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UGA Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells is one of many featured speakers at this year's Pecan Beginners Course to be held on April 16. Interested pecan producers can attend the UGA Pecan Beginners Course to learn more about how to cultivate pecans in Georgia. CAES News
Pecan Course
Georgia homeowners and farmers with hopes of producing pecan trees can learn the basics from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialists during the UGA Pecan Beginners Course on Tuesday, April 16.
Abnormally dry conditions this summer have kept Georgia's mosquito populations mercifully low, but that's no reason for Georgians to let down their guard, especially this season. CAES News
Mosquito-borne Virus
A horse in Lowndes County, Georgia, has tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), one of the most pathogenic among all of the mosquito-borne, encephalitis-causing viruses. EEE is a larger threat below Georgia’s fall line, but rare cases can occur farther north in the state.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is challenging its students — and students across the university — to become entrepreneurial groundbreakers through FABricate, a contest of student ideas to help feed the world. CAES News
FABricate Finale
On March 27, students from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be sharing their business ideas with the rest of the university during the finale of CAES’ FABricate entrepreneurial competition on March 27 at UGA’s new Student Center for Entrepreneurship.
Two boys watch cowboys warm up before their events in the arena outside the Great Southland Stampede Rodeo in 2008. CAES News
Great Southland Stampede
For 45 years, spring has meant one thing for members of the University of Georgia Block and Bridle Club — rodeo time.
Ambrosia beetle activity is identifiable by the toothpick-sized sawdust tubes they leave sticking out of holes bored in pecan trees. CAES News
Pecan Pest
Ambrosia beetles are swarming south Georgia pecan orchards and farmers should take precautions now, according to Angel Acebes-Doria, pecan entomologist with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
University of Georgia bacteriologist Govind Dev Kumar joined the faculty at the Center for Food Safety on the UGA Griffin campus in Griffin, Georgia, in September of 2018. CAES News
Pathogens’ Defense
When humans get sick, our immune systems kick into high gear. To help guard against disease, people are increasingly turning to antimicrobial agents — from soaps to wipes to hand sanitizers — to help kill germs. However, scientists have found that some strains of Salmonella pathogens have developed strategies to evade damage.
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean Sam Pardue congratulates Suzy Sheffield of Atlanta's Beautiful Briny Sea and Holly Hollifield on their grand prize win at Flavor of Georgia 2019. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2019
Suzi Sheffield and Atlanta’s Beautiful Briny Sea have taken the grand prize at the University of Georgia’s 2019 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest with Gunpowder Finishing Salt.
Fire ants scurry along a piece of wood CAES News
Spring Ant Control
Whether you have a well-manicured lawn or a wild preserve, almost every landscape in Georgia shares one feature: fire ants.
In addition to spring cleaning, UGA Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences agents recommend freshening the look of your home's decor. A few carefully placed pillows, wall art or an area rug can make a huge difference. CAES News
Freshen Up
Spring is in the air! For me, that also means it is time to update my home. Research has shown that we spend 90 percent of our time indoors, so let’s make our homes as comfortable and beautiful as possible. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension provides the following helpful hints to create wonderful spaces for our homes this season.
Lisa Baxter began her job on the UGA Tifton campus on March 1. She will focus her time in south Georgia, while Dennis Hancock serves north Georgia. CAES News
Forage Management
According to Lisa Baxter, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s newest forage agronomist, an unusually wet winter will cause problems with summer forage crop quality in Georgia.