Browse 4-H Stories - Page 14

226 results found for 4-H
A dairy cow on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Dairy Competition
Twenty-one youth participated in the 2020 Georgia 4-H State Dairy Judging Contest on July 14. Sponsored by the Ina Hopkins-John W. Cook Memorial Fund, the Carole Williams-Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation and the Pam Krueger-Milk Check Off, the competition was held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Georgia 4-H youth participated in the 2021 state horse competition. Youth participating in quiz bowl learn about horse health and other equine-related topics. CAES News
Georgia 4-H Horse Competition
Georgia 4-H organized the 2020 state horse educational competition for 55 youth in a virtual format this year. This competition was previously linked with the Georgia 4-H state horse show hosted at the the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Georgia, which was canceled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Georgia 4-H Poultry Judging CAES News
Georgia 4-H Poultry Judging Contest
Eighty youth participated in the online 2020 Georgia 4-H state poultry judging contest hosted on July 6 in collaboration with the University of Georgia Poultry Science Department.
Beef cattle (file photo) CAES News
Virtual Livestock Judging Contest
More than 40 youth participated in the Georgia 4-H state livestock judging contest held virtually on June 20, 2020. This evaluation competition, sponsored by Mrs. Wilma Minix and the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, is a major event for the Georgia 4-H Livestock Program.
Set Sail with Georgia 4-H virtual series CAES News
Set Sail with Georgia 4-H
Cooking classes, scavenger hunts and science experiments are all popular summer camp activities that Georgia 4-H youth will still be able to do this year — just at a bit of a distance.
bee on Lantana CAES News
National Pollinator Week
Georgia 4-H is celebrating National Pollinator Week virtually throughout the week of June 22-28, 2020. The celebration showcases facts, resources and activities and highlights youth who participate in Georgia 4-H pollinator programs.
dairy cow CAES News
2020 Georgia 4-H State Dairy Quiz Bowl
More than 25 youth participated in the 2020 Georgia 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl on June 5, 2020, offered virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The contest is supported by The Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation and Milk Check-Off.
Georgia 4-H Goat Judging CAES News
Virtual Livestock Educational Resources
As school responsibilities wrap up and summer break begins, youth now have more time for livestock projects and hands-on learning.
National 4-H Healthy Living Photo CAES News
Healthy Habits at Home
Our nutrition and physical activity behaviors are not just the result of our personal choices. The environment or setting in which we live and family cultures and customs can also influence our choices and behaviors.
Georgia 4-H Southwest District N.A.I.L.'D It programming CAES News
Georgia 4-H Hosts Interactive Distance Learning Series
During this time of social distancing, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension staff across the state have come together to offer Georgia 4-H programming in an online format. A collection of Southwest District Extension staff has created 4-H New Adventures in Learning Distantly (NAIL'D It) to offer free educational and entertaining virtual lessons to the public.