Browse Poultry Science Stories - Page 18

196 results found for Poultry Science
Ed Kanemasu,CAES assistant dean of international affairs and director of global programs; far left; and other UGA administrators hosted a delegation of animal health and agricultural experts from Mali in Athens from Wednesday to Friday this week. The visit represented the reestablishment of a relationship between the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences  and the Malian government that started in 2006, but was interrupted when a coup toppled the Malian government in March 2012. CAES News
Malian Agricultural Ties
An agricultural delegation from the Republic of Mali braved the snow this week to visit the University of Georgia and meet with faculty and administrators.
Small flocks of chicken can provide families with eggs, meat and hours of entertainment. CAES News
Backyard Poultry

University of Georgia Extension will offer a Backyard Flock Poultry Workshop Jan. 16 in downtown Comer.

This year's winners, from left to right, include Chris McKenzie, UGA Poultry Research Center feed mill supervisor; Sammy Aggrey, professor of poultry science; Steve Stice, director of the Regenerative Bioscience Center, represented by his wife Terry Stice; James Jacobs, Extension agent for Pierce and Ware counties; John Rema, research technician in crop and soil sciences; Georgi Austin, business manager in the crop and soil sciences; Clint Waltz, Extension turfgrass specialist in crop and soil sciences; Terry Centner, professor in agricultural and applied economics; Yao-wen Huang, professor of food science and technology; and William Graves, professor of animal and dairy sciences. CAES News
DW Brooks 2013
On Oct. 1, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences recognized its staff and faculty who have demonstrated excellence in the college’s teaching, research and Extension missions with the annual D.W. Brooks awards.
Ruffled Feathers
Chickens don't commute to work or balance checkbooks, but they do get stressed. Kristen Navara, an endocrinologist in the poultry science department of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, is finding ways to help them relax.
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead, left, and Terry England, chairman of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, examine some plants during their tour of the Lewis Taylor Farms in Tifton on Wednesday. CAES News
President Morehead Tour
University of Georgia President Jere Morehead assumed his presidential post on July 1. Long before, however, President Morehead expressed a desire to learn more about agriculture, the state’s No. 1 industry.
Scott Angle, dean of the UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Barry Martin, and Ronnie Barentine, County Extension Coordinator for Pulaski County. Angle and Barentine visited Martin's farm near Hawkinsville after Martin was named the 2012 Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Farmer of the Year. CAES News
Public Service and Outreach Awards
Ronnie Barentine, extension coordinator for Dooly County, has spent the last three decades developing ways to make Georgia’s largest industry more efficient and profitable. He’s also made it more sustainable.
Food hubs aggregate produce from small farmers to meet larger produce orders, like those placed by schools, retailers and restaurants. CAES News
Food hub survey
Some Georgia farmers are looking to food hubs as a way to better market their produce and make the process of getting their produce to market more efficiently.
Roosters in a laboratory on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Cleaner chickens
Oil and water may not mix, but a University of Georgia study has found feeding chickens a blend of plant-based oils in their drinking water can help prevent salmonella contamination before the meat reaches the dinner table, or even the grocery store.
Dr. Mike Lacy, department head, University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science CAES News
High corn costs
Severe drought in the Midwest corn-belt is driving up poultry feed costs in Georgia. Economists and poultry industry experts predict corn costs will increase 50 percent in 2012 compared to typical years. Some economists say corn prices could double by the end of the summer.
UGA Extension faculty are helping Georgia farmers make the state's more than 12,000 broiler houses more efficient. CAES News
Energy audits for chicken houses
The practices that can help us save energy in our own homes, like sealing leaks, insulating and updating cooling systems and replacing light bulbs, are also being used to make Georgia’s prolific poultry industry more efficient — one chicken house at a time.