Browse Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication Stories - Page 6

163 results found for Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication
Sarah Cook, who earned her master’s degree in Agricultural Leadership in 2014, is serving as president of the CAES Alumni Association for the 2021-22 term. CAES News
CAES Alumni President
After earning her undergraduate degree in regional economic development, Sarah Cook joined the Georgia Department of Economic Development’s Center of Innovation for Agribusiness on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. It was there that she fully grasped the importance of Georgia’s No. 1 industry.
CAES senior Trent Sutton says he has gained a new appreciation for all the work that goes into a finished bottle of wine.  CAES News
Vineyard Internships
When students begin seeking internships, they look forward to gaining firsthand experience in their chosen fields and seek opportunities that will help further their education and develop future job skills. Some may get stuck making coffee, sorting files or answering phones, but for three University of Georgia interns, the summer internship experience has been much more engaging.
Jennifer Waldeck has joined the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as head of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. CAES News
Organizational and instructional communication specialist Jennifer Waldeck has been named head of the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC) in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences beginning July 1. Waldeck most recently served as the associate dean for academic programming and faculty affairs for the School of Communication at Chapman University.
2021 40 under 40 logo CAES News
2021 UGA 40U40
The University of Georgia Alumni Association has unveiled the 40 Under 40 Class of 2021. This program celebrates the personal, professional and philanthropic achievements of successful UGA graduates under the age of 40. The honorees will be recognized during the 11th annual 40 Under 40 Awards Luncheon Sept. 10 in the Tate Student Center on campus. 
Lauren Pike, a rising senior studying agricultural communication, is the winner of the Broder-Ackermann Global Citizen Award. CAES News
Global Citizen
Growing up in a traditional Swiss household in Georgia, the Broder family knew the value of community. The family immigrated from Switzerland and started a dairy farm south of Atlanta. It was a challenging adjustment, as the children balanced their family's culture with the culture of their new country. As immigrants, the Broders gained a personal appreciation for culture and an identity as citizens of the world.
Farmers participate in a seed multiplication project led by extension personnel in Malawi. CAES News
Technology and Culture
For decades, farmers in Kenya and Malawi have suffered declining agricultural productivity due to climate change and unsuccessful adoption of advanced agricultural technology. However, new research from the University of Georgia indicates that improving government policy while integrating indigenous methods with new technology will increase the productivity of struggling farms.
Greena Kim poses with Chris Rhodes, accepting the $10,000 grand prize. CAES News
2021 FABricate
Every pet owner wants their pet to feel safe and secure, especially on daunting trips to the veterinarian’s office. One major hurdle is the frigid stainless steel tables that offer an unappealing surface for animals that are used to the comfort of home.
Using hypothesis-driven data mining, a UGA research team led by Xiangyu Deng of UGA’s Center for Food Safety, analyzed over 30,000 genomes of Salmonella Enteritidis obtained from global sources and the international trade of live poultry over five decades. CAES News
Poultry Research
Chicken is one of the most widely eaten proteins in the world. The poultry industry contributes more than $41.8 billion to Georgia’s economy each year. The U.S. alone consumes 8 billion chickens per year and approximately 250 eggs per capita. With the help of modern breeding techniques, there has been a drastic increase in meat yield and egg production to help meet this high demand.
FABricate is an entrepreneurial pitch contest hosted by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Proposals are due Feb. 20 for the 2021 contest. CAES News
FABricate 2021
It’s not too late for University of Georgia students to turn their novel ideas into a chance at a grand prize of $10,000.
The 2021 Georgia Ag Forecast seminar will be held online at no cost starting at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 29. CAES News
2021 Ag Forecast
Economists from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will discuss the effects of COVID-19 on farming, highlight agritourism impacts in the state, and give a forecast of top commodities for the next year during the annual Georgia Ag Forecast.