Browse Agricultural and Applied Economics Stories - Page 40

406 results found for Agricultural and Applied Economics
Headshot of Jeff Dorfman....2004 CAES News
Rising From Recession
After several long years of financial angst, people the world over are weary from recession depression. The prolonged economic drag has plenty of pundits asking: “What in the world happened?”
Environmental Stewardship winner 2010 Earl Barrrs. Award presented by Chuck Leavell and Gov. Sonny Perdue. Also pictured Wanda Barrs. CAES News
Good Stewards
Chuck Leavell, the Deen Brothers and Gov. Sonny Perdue were on hand March 16 for the 7th annual Georgia Agriculture Day, the traditional kick-off of Georgia Agriculture Awareness Week, which runs March 15-19. During the event, Leavell and Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue recognized the regional winners of the Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award given annually to farmers who do an exceptional job protecting their land and promoting environmental practices in agriculture. The Deen Brothers, Jamie and Bobby, announced the winners of the 2010 Flavor of Georgia contest.
Grill Honey, made by Savannah Bee Company, was named Grand Champion at the 2010 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Diana Smirl accepts the award on behalf of Savannah Bee Company from Gov. Sonny Perdue and culinary experts Jamie Deen (left) and Bobby Deen. CAES News
Flavor Winners
As a young boy, Ted Dennard learned the art of beekeeping. Today, he uses his passion for honey to earn a living. He’s the founder of Savannah Bee Company, which sells pure, raw honey and honey products. His Grill Honey took top prize in the annual Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest Tuesday in Atlanta.
Snyder Lecture
Salibo Somé, founder of Africa’s Sustainable Development Council, will deliver the 2010 Darl Snyder Lecture March 4 at the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga.
University of Georgia students get a taste of organic farm work while helping out a farmer in Winterville, Ga. in 2009. CAES News
Trends 2010
Recent industry trend reports say Americans are shifting their focus from the boardroom to the backyard. Here are seven gardening trends Georgians might expect in 2010.
Butterfly Weed is a native herbaceous perennial that attracts butterflies like magnets with its florescent orange blooms. CAES News
Spring gardening
Welcome to the 35th annual Spring Garden Packet from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Written by CAES faculty, editors and graduate and undergraduate students, these articles are provided to help you with timely, valuable statewide gardening information.
Red and Yellow tulips planted in a bed on the UGA Athens campus. April 2008. CAES News
Growing green
Georgia’s green industry has suffered for several years under the strain of drought and related water restrictions. Continued economic woes, especially in the troubled housing industry, dampened recovery. But the future looks sunnier, according to a University of Georgia economist.
Logo for 2010 Ag Forecast CAES News
Georgia Ag Forecast
Last year, most commodity prices dropped by 10 percent, leaving Georgia farmers facing their first significant decline in farm gate value in a decade. University of Georgia economists say 2010 should be a better year for them.
Hall of fame nominees
Each year, the University of Georgia pays tribute to outstanding Georgia agricultural leaders by inducting them into the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame
Snow coats leaves in March 2009 in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Protect plants
Don’t box up those old Christmas tree lights just yet. Along with old blankets, quilts and cardboard boxes, they could be the key to keeping tender plants from freezing this winter.