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Georgia 4-H members learn valuable public speaking skills through District Project Achievement. Students, like these Taliaferro County girls, research a topic and then present their findings to an audience of their peers. CAES News
4-H Week
Georgia 4-H inspires kids to do — to do community service, go to new places and to learn new skills. Georgians across the state are celebrating everything 4-H’ers do during National 4-H Week on Oct. 7-13. What started as a club for farm kids has grown into the nation’s largest youth leadership organization — a place where school-aged children learn to become successful and confident adults.
Cassie Powell, who transferred to the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences this fall, is participating in the CAES Food Animal Veterinary Incentive Program. CAES News
From farmhand to future veterinarian student, Cassie Powell has dreamed of working with animals for a long time.
Unlike bagged manure, "free" manure from your local farm may come with weed seeds and pesticide residue. Check the source of your manure before bringing home extras. CAES News
Soil Mixes
Soil tests, provided by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, give gardeners the recipes for successful gardens. Soil amendments, like river sand, mushroom compost, horse manure, coffee grounds, chicken litter and wood ash, can give the soil a much-needed nutrient boost.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Turfgrass Specialist Clint Waltz is currently using an “automower” on the lawn just outside the new UGA Turfgrass Research Facility on the UGA Griffin campus. The Husqvarna mower is on loan from Georgia sod producer Super-Sod, so Waltz can observe and evaluate the concept of “continual” mowing. CAES News
If you dread mowing the lawn, a new battery-operated mower, much like the popular Rumba vacuum cleaner, may be the product of your dreams. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Turfgrass Specialist Clint Waltz is reviewing it.
Peggy Ozias-Akins on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Peanut Research
With a passion for botany and a thirst for knowledge, University of Georgia scientist Peggy Ozias-Akins has established herself as one of the top molecular geneticists in the country.
Collards are a true Southern favorite and in they grow well in Georgia fall vegetable gardens. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts recommend planting Collard 'Blue Max', 'Georgia Southern' or 'Hevi-Crop,' all varieties shown to perform well in Georgia. CAES News
Fall Veggies
Some fall vegetables are best purchased as transplants. These include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. Vegetables that can be planted as seeds include beets, bunching onions, carrots, collards, kale, lettuce, mustard, radishes, spinach, Swiss chard and turnips.
Controlling the erosion of your soil can improve your vegetable garden and protect the soil. Soil erosion is related to multiple factors, including the type of soil and how much cover is holding the soil. CAES News
Sun & Soil
Before planting a fall garden, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists say select a spot that gets a lot of sun, have your soil tested and plant Georgia-friendly varieties.
John Gorton of Sumter County has won the Georgia 4-H 2018 Watermelon Growing Contest with at 168.6-pound melon. CAES News
Watermelon Contest
With a watermelon weighing in at 168.6 pounds, John Gorton of Sumter County won the Georgia 4-H 2018 Watermelon Growing Contest.
Peanut comparison of healthy peanuts vs. peanuts infected with white mold disease in 2017. CAES News
Peanut Crop
Plant diseases, like leaf spot and white mold, are forcing Georgia peanut farmers to consider moving their harvest times up a few days, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort.
Whiteflies on a cotton plant in a lab on the UGA Tifton campus.
August 24, 2018 CAES News
Whitefly Management
Georgia cotton farmers who planted their crop late this year need to be mindful of potential whitefly pressure, according to Phillip Roberts, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension entomologist.