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John Salazar joined UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences on May 1 as coordinator for the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics’ new hospitality and food industry management major. CAES News
Hospitality Major
After years of teaching and researching hospitality industry management at the University of South Carolina Beaufort, John Salazar knows hospitality is as much a science as it is an art.
Yu Chen who is finishing her doctoral studies at the University of Georgia, recently worked with fellow student Jiahui Ying to publish a research paper, “Flexible Tests for USDA Report Announcement Effects in Futures Markets,” in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. CAES News
Student Publications
Yu Chen and Jiahui Ying, both finishing their doctoral studies at the University of Georgia, have received news this semester: Their research paper, “Flexible Tests for USDA Report Announcement Effects in Futures Markets,” was accepted for publication in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Alankrita Goswami, a doctoral candidate in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, received UGA’s 2019 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. CAES News
Alankrita Goswami
Alankrita Goswami, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, is researching agricultural commodity markets, specifically the dynamics of options and futures markets of agricultural commodities. She uses her skills and knowledge of applied econometrics in both her own work and as a teaching assistant for Berna Karali — work that has earned her one of UGA’s 2019 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards.
Horticulture Professor Esther van der Knapp of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences worked with a team of geneticists around the world to create a fuller inventory of the genetic diversity of the tomato. They release a pangenome for the tomato in the May edition of Nature Genetics. (photos by Merritt Melancon) CAES News
Tomato Pan-genome
 It’s summer, and Georgia gardeners are anxiously awaiting their first tomato harvest. Just in time for those first tomato sandwiches, researchers at the University of Georgia have helped unlock the mystery of what separates today’s tomatoes from their inedible ancestors.
Representing a broad cross section of corporations, businesses and organizations throughout Georgia, 25 professionals have been chosen to participate in the Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry (AGL) 2015-2017 class. CAES News
AGL Inductees
Twenty-five professionals, who represent a wide swath of Georgia’s agriculture and natural resource industries, have been chosen to participate in the 2019-2020 class of Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture and Forestry (AGL).
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Each year the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia hosts a summer open house to show off the season’s best plants. This year they’re working to beat the heat by moving the party from July to June.
Bell peppers with blossom end rot symptoms caused by excess of sun light. CAES News
Unseasonably Hot
Georgia’s vegetable growers need to irrigate more frequently as unseasonably high temperatures are forecast to remain high with little to no rainfall expected. Andre da Silva, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist, said it is urgent that vegetable producers heed this advice.
A group of Georgia 4-H members is using a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and National 4-H Council to teach their fellow 4-H'ers to make healthier snack and beverage choices. The students are showing handing out water bottles at the Georgia 4-H Senior Conference in April. CAES News
Healthier Choices
Six Georgia 4-H’ers have been awarded a $500 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation via the National 4-H Council to encourage their fellow 4-H members to eat and drink healthier.
Samuele Lamon and Aaron Bruce were the two most recent graduates of the dual master’s degree program between UGA and the University of Padova. They are pictured with Gurpreet Virk at the UGA-Tifton spring graduation ceremony on May 4, 2019. CAES News
Dual Degrees
American and international students continue to be attracted to the dual master’s degree program in sustainable agriculture offered through a partnership between the University of Georgia Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (CRSS) and the University of Padova (UNIPD) Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment (DAFNAE) in Italy.
Irrigation maintenance is key for farmers to avoid costly malfunctions once the growing season begins. CAES News
Warming weather
Georgia temperatures are rising, and the weather is only going to get hotter with little rain in the forecast. That’s not good news for Georgia’s cotton producers who are in the middle of planting this year’s crop, says Jared Whitaker, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension cotton agronomist.