News Stories - Page 21

Solar panels used by poultry houses in south Georgia. CAES News
Solar panels help poultry farmers to conserve energy
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley believes solar panels are a way to help poultry farmers become more energy-efficient.
Justin Fowler, an assistant professor in the Department of Poultry Science at the University of Georgia, recently released an app that will help midscale poultry producers mix the right ratio of feed ingredients needed to maintain a healthy flock. FeedMix, funded by a grant from the World Poultry Foundation, was released for both Apple and Android platforms at the end of August. CAES News
FeedMix poultry feed mixing app aims to help small farmers optimize flock health
Whether you are working with three laying hens in a backyard coop or a farm full of broilers, chickens need proper nutrition to live healthy, low-stress lives.
Alexandra Bentz, a poultry science graduate student at UGA, spent her summer studying the health of vampire bats in Belize. CAES News
From vampire bats to gender issues in peanut production, Graduate Student Travel Awards enhance international research efforts
his summer University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students traveled the world with help from the college’s Office of Global Programs’ Graduate International Travel Awards.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is challenging its students — and students across the university — to become entrepreneurial groundbreakers through FABricate, a contest of student ideas to help feed the world. CAES News
UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences launches FABricate entrepreneurship challenge this fall
From the development of the iron plow to the noble impulse to turn peanuts into a delicious sandwich spread, groundbreaking visionaries have repeatedly reshaped the way the world eats.
The H5N2 strain of avian influenza doesn't hurt people, but it can hurt chickens. Backyard chicken owners can bring the disease home to their flock if they are not aware of the potential threats or signs of sick birds. CAES News
UGA Extension prepares poultry producers for worst case scenario of avian influenza outbreak
The devastating virus has yet to impact Georgia’s top agricultural industry, but University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Casey Ritz believes it’s best if Georgia farmers are proactive in dealing with avian influenza.
Georgia Urban Ag & Outdoor Expo CAES News
UGA Extension experts among presenters at Georgia Urban Ag and Outdoor Expo
The Georgia Urban Ag and Outdoor Expo seeks to educate the public on the roles that urban and traditional farming play in supplying food to a continually growing nation. To that end, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley and UGA Extension agent Steve Pettis will be among the host of presenters at the event.