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Melony Wilson handles livestock frequently as part of her job with the University of Georgia Department of Animal and Dairy Science. She also knows how to keep herself safe while doing so. A new Georgia 4-H program will now help 4-H agents teach children across the state how to get up close and person with livestock without contracting a zoonotic disease. CAES News
Zoonotic Disease Detectives
Georgia 4-H is piloting an educational series aimed at teaching children how to help prevent the spread of animal diseases like swine flu, salmonella, E. coli and rabies.
Sub-surface drip irrigation gets implemented in a field at Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Georgia. CAES News
Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation systems have long helped Georgia vegetable farmers grow high yielding crops. Sub-surface drip irrigation can help some Georgia peanut farmers water their crops more efficiently, according to a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension expert. And, it won’t interfere with peanut digging equipment.
Franklin West and Steve Stice. CAES News
Newcastle Resistant Poultry
Poultry disease is an international issue, especially when there is an outbreak close to home. However, it’s a particularly costly problem in developing countries.
University of Georgia food science students have been awarded first place by the DuPont Company for their creation of a new breakfast muffin. The muffin does not contain bread. Instead, it's made of quinoa, ham and eggs and is similar to quiche. CAES News
Quiche-like Sandwich
University of Georgia food science students have created a bread-free, microwavable breakfast sandwich that, if marketed, would fill a need for consumers on low-carbohydrate or gluten-free diets. Either way, the new food idea won them a national award and $10,000 to share.
Soybeans grow on a plant at a UGA lab in Athens. Soybean farmers will soon have a smart phone app to help know when to irrigate their crop. CAES News
Late-Planted Soybeans
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agronomist Jared Whitaker is researching ultra-late-planted soybeans, a potential solution for low soybean yields and even lower corn prices.
Summer Heat
Those looking for relief from July’s unrelenting heat aren’t likely to find it anytime soon. Average temperatures during July were about 1 to 2 degrees above normal and are projected to be slightly warmer in August.
Calhoun County farmer Wesley Webb was the state's top peanut producer in yields per acre for 299 acres or less in 2014. CAES News
Peanut Achievement Club
Each of Georgia’s top 10 peanut farmers relied on University of Georgia Cooperative Extension research to produce the highest yielding crops this year. These farmers were honored by the peanut industry this month for growing the year’s record-breaking crops.
Cook County ANR Agent Tucker Price holds up a watermelon plant infected with gummy stem blight disease. CAES News
Watermelon Diseases
Disease in south Georgia’s watermelons was again a problem this year for farmers.
MPPPM Program
Twelve University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents are enrolled this semester at UGA Tifton as part of the Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (MPPPM) program in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The agents work in counties in south Georgia.
Although there is no one-size-fits-all rule to rotational grazing management, to provide forage rest and recovery and improve grazing efficiency, the first step is to get cattle moving. CAES News
Water for Cattle
Just like humans, livestock are negatively impacted by poor water quality. Cattle that drink poor-quality water will drink less water and have a diminished feed intake, resulting in reduced average daily gains and return on investment.