Browse 4-H Stories - Page 23

226 results found for 4-H
Ted and Gerrye Jenkins are the recipients of the 2017 Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award. Ted Jenkins, a retired University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialist, led the Georgia 4-H summer camp programs from 1980-1997. His wife, Gerrye Jenkins, served alongside him. CAES News
4-H Lifetime Achievement 2017
Each summer, thousands of children experience summer camp through Georgia 4-H's camping programs. Those programs are possible because of the dedication of leaders like Ted Jenkins and his wife, Gerrye Jenkins, who are the recipients of the 2017 Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award.
A picture of Thomas County 4-H members collecting supplies for the Concrete Cowboys project. CAES News
Concrete Cowboys
Georgia’s Thomas County 4-H is saddling up to assist at-risk teenagers in Philadelphia in becoming Concrete Cowboys by providing the program with supplies.
Worth Couny 4-H members help with storm aid./Lauren Burden-UGA Extension CAES News
Storm Aid
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is aiding in relief efforts in multiple southwest Georgia communities that were impacted by a deadly weekend of inclement weather.
It took author Ina Cook Hopkins more than nine years to compile data, interview key players, write the text and work with designer Carol Williamson to complete a history book about Rock Eagle 4-H Center. A former Walton County 4-H'er, Hopkins refers to the book as her last 4-H record book and a “tangible way to give back to the organization that means so much” to her. She is pictured (seated) with the book's designer, Carol Williamson (standing left), and Georgia 4-H State Leader Arch Smith. CAES News
Rock Eagle History
A newly published history of Rock Eagle 4-H Center, “Rock Eagle: Centerpiece of Georgia 4-H,” details how the camp grew into a place where millions of past Georgia 4-H’ers and unknown numbers of future 4-H members create lifelong memories.
Lee County 4-H member Dylan Smith with Chipper the dog.
Photo submitted by Lee County 4-H. CAES News
Dog Club
With a little help from man’s best friend, Lee County, Georgia, 4-H members are learning how to be responsible.
Governor Nathan Deal and first lady Sandra Deal gathered with the Jekyll Island Authority board, 4-H staff members, local 4-H'ers and state 4-H board officers for the opening of Camp Jekyll. CAES News
Camp Jekyll Dedication
Jekyll Island, Ga. — For some Gwinnett County seventh grade students, it may be their first time to Georgia’s coast. For others, it may be their first overnight trip without family. However, they will all be part of the first official group to attend Georgia 4-H environmental education camp at the new Camp Jekyll on Feb. 1.