Browse Poultry Science Stories - Page 10

196 results found for Poultry Science
University of Georgia and University of North Georgia students, faculty and staff representatives met at UNG to celebrate the new transfer agreement between the two institutions. Pictured left to right are: Kayley Edwards and Austin Hill, agriculture/poultry science students at the UNG Gainesville Campus; Linda Purvis, assistant professor of biology, UNG Gainesville; John Leyba, Dean of College of Science and Mathematics at UNG; Jeanelle Morgan, associate department head of biology at UNG Gainesville; Joe West, interim dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Todd Applegate, head of the UGA Department of Poultry Science; and Jessica Fife, outreach coordinator for UGA poultry science. CAES News
Poultry Transfer Agreement
Students interested in careers in the poultry industry will now have access to more poultry science-based resources and a new path to pursue an undergraduate degree through a transfer agreement between the University of Georgia and the University of North Georgia.
A student studies a plant sample under a microscope in the lab. CAES News
CURO Scholars 2020
This fall, the University of Georgia recognized nine undergraduates in its 2020-21 incoming class as CURO Honors Scholars, the university’s top undergraduate research scholarship. Three students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences were selected for the award.
Julie Borlaug will deliver the 2020 D.W. Brooks Lecture, "Using Innovation and Technology to End Hunger and Poverty," as part of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences annual faculty awards celebration. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture 2020
Julie Borlaug is continuing the legacy of her late grandfather, agronomist and Nobel laureate Norman E. Borlaug, and inspiring the next generation by advocating for innovation and technology in agricultural production to end world hunger.
UGA poultry science researchers will study various potential contamination methods for SARS-CoV-2 in meat and poultry plants and what product-treatment methods can be used to mitigate the virus on food products. CAES News
Meat Processing Safety
Poultry researchers at the University of Georgia are partnering with a team from Kansas State University to study how to effectively control the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in the nation's meat and poultry processing facilities.
UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has a fall 2020 undergraduate enrollment of 1,456, and a graduate/professional student enrollment of 624, its highest graduate enrollment to date. CAES News
CAES ranking improves
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has ranked second on the 2021 list of Best Colleges for Agricultural Sciences in America, up one spot from the 2020 ranking.   
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and the Agricultural Experiment Stations. CAES News
CAES Dean Named
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Stations.
UGA alumnus and current fourth-year medical student Jake Goodman has been sharing stories about his path to medical school on social media after realizing that the challenges he's faced resonate with many students. He now has over 210,000 followers on TikTok. (contributed photo) CAES News
Pre-health pathways
There’s one college at the University of Georgia from which you might not expect to hear students applying to medical school — the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
John Bekkers Professor of Poultry Science Harshavardhan Thippareddi has spent his research career focused on improving productivity, processing yields, and using underutilized poultry meats while assuring the quality and microbiological safety of poultry and poultry products. CAES News
Poultry Sustainability
Over time, the U.S. poultry industry has bred strains of birds that grow rapidly to meet consumer demand for chicken products — especially breast meat — but that rapid growth has led to a higher incidence of muscle tissue defects that could lead to revenue loss.
UGA Department of Poultry Science Professor Jeanna L. Wilson (left) and Professor and Department Head Todd Applegate (right) receive their Fellow awards from Poultry Science Association President Don McIntyre. CAES News
Poultry Science Association Honors
Three University of Georgia faculty members and one doctoral candidate from the Department of Poultry Science in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have been honored by the Poultry Science Association.
UGA senior Alyssa Rauton was elected president of ADSA-SAD for 2020-21. CAES News
Dairy Science Honors
University of Georgia animal and dairy science students won several honors at the national American Dairy Science Association-Student Affiliate Division (ADSA-SAD) meeting in June, and UGA senior Alyssa Rauton was elected president of ADSA-SAD for 2020-21.