Browse Plant Pathology Stories - Page 24

262 results found for Plant Pathology
A stinkhorn mushroom CAES News
Mushroom control
Recent rainfall has led to an explosion of mushrooms in lawns and mulched areas. Most of these fungi are completely harmless, though some consider them annoying.
Sod harvesting equipment CAES News
Turfgrass field day
Whether you're a golf course superintendent or a homeowner in search of the perfect lawn, you’ll find the information you need at the University of Georgia Turfgrass Field Day set for Aug. 1 in Griffin, Ga.
Suspected 2,4-D herbicide damage on tomato. CAES News
Tomatoes susceptible to herbicides for turf and pastures
Home gardeners often inadvertently and unknowingly damage their vegetables with herbicides.
Slime molds, like this dog vomit mold, pop up in Georgia every time it rains. 
This mold sprang up next to a corn plant in a Georgia garden this srping. It's not harmful but seems to gross out unsuspecting gardeners. CAES News
Attack of the slime molds
Most of the time when people call their University of Georgia Extension office, they are typically fairly calm, but when they call to report a science-fiction-type growth has taken up residence in their yard, their nerves are usually on edge.
Photo of nursery manager John Watson using IPMPro, a pest management app recently released by a team of researchers from a several different universities. CAES News
Pest management app
Green industry professionals often find themselves in the field needing immediate access to the latest pest and plant disease information and plant care recommendations, especially when they are caught off guard by destructive pests emerging in their area.
Pears hang from a tree in a middle Georgia home landscape. CAES News
Pear disease
Fire blight, a common plant disease that is persistent in the Southeast, makes growing edible pears in Georgia difficult. Most pears produced in the U.S. are grown in Oregon and Washington, states where the disease does not become a problem.
A young visitor to the UGA Pavilion at the 2011 Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Ga., Oct. 19 learns about giant cockroaches. CAES News
Expo weathers on
Despite an uncomfortable mix of wet, cold and windy weather, North America’s premier farm show, the Sunbelt Ag Expo, marched on this week in Moultrie, Ga. More than 70,000 visitors perused the wears of 1,200 vendors, a North Carolina farmer was tapped as the Southeast’s top and land-grant universities brought their messages to the masses.
Most Georgia farmers plant more than one crop during a season, usually managing a combination of peanuts, cotton, corn or soybeans. Across the board, they are looking at record or record-tying yields in 2009. CAES News
In the Field: Georgia Peanut Tour 2011 (Video)
The Georgia Peanut Tour celebrated its 25th anniversary Sept. 27-29. More than 200 people from 12 states and six countries went on the networking tour, which focused on south Georgia peanut research and production around Bainbridge, Ga., including stops in Miller County, Attapulgus and Blakely.
A viburnum plant showing leaf dieback from petioles. CAES News
Sudden Oak Death
University scientists and forestry experts are using rhododendron leaves as bait to detect the presence of a disease that can kill Georgia’s historic oak trees.
A power-driven implement that disrupts weed growth CAES News
Fighting weeds organically
Outsmarting weeds in organic crop production sometimes requires unorthodox, or what Carroll Johnson calls “bizarre” management techniques.