Browse Entomology Stories - Page 32

480 results found for Entomology
The annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show was held Jan. 15 at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center. CAES News
Peanut Farm Show
Planting season is still three to four months away, but this year’s peanut crop is already on the minds of Georgia farmers. There are many questions left to answer.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut Farm Show
The University of Georgia Tifton Campus will become the center for all things peanut for growers and industry personnel on Thursday, Jan. 15, when the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center hosts the annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show.
Nancy Hinkle CAES News
Entomology Award
University of Georgia entomologist Nancy Hinkle has built a career as a well-respected veterinary entomologist, but it’s her work with invisible insects that gained her notoriety outside academia.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut Farm Show
The University of Georgia Tifton Campus will become the center for all things peanut for growers and industry personnel on Thursday, Jan. 15, when the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center hosts the annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show.
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
Mosquito Control
As Georgia’s mosquito season draws to a close, mosquito control professionals are looking back, evaluating the season and planning for the challenges they will face next spring.
Stink bugs can have a costly and harmful impact on cotton farmers. CAES News
Pest Thresholds
With fall comes a number of seasonally emerging insects across the state. Some are beneficial, some are beautiful and some of these insects may come in numbers large enough to become pests. Before reaching for pesticides, consider whether the insect is actually causing damage.
Scientists from China and Taiwan visit with CAES researchers at the 2011 Ag Expo in Moultrie. CAES News
Asian Agricultural Sciences Summit
From tilapia to canned Mandarin oranges, Americans import many staple grocery products from Asian nations like China, Taiwan and Japan. Likewise, these countries import Georgia-grown products—chicken, cotton and pecans.
Kudzu bug CAES News
Fewer Kudzu Bugs
A widespread soybean pest the past five years, the kudzu bug population in Georgia is much lower this growing season.
Argentine ants feeds on Terro liquid bait CAES News
Home Remedies
Grits sprinkled over fire ant mounds, plastic bags filled with water to repel flies and high-frequency sound waves to chase away rats and mice—these are just a few non-chemical methods rumored to work as pest repellents.
Wasp eggs travel on a hornworm that has been parasitized by the wasp and is now used as a host for the wasp's eggs. This is an example of a beneficial insect, the wasp, being used to control a tomato pest in a vegetable garden. CAES News
IPM Workshop
A workshop for small-scale vegetable farmers and home gardeners interested in using integrated pest management techniques is set for Friday, Sept. 19 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin.