Nutrient Management Programs for Poultry Producers
This Web site provides comprehensive information on the development and implementation of nutrient management plans (NMPs) for poultry producers in Georgia. Georgia is a major poultry producing state and has responded to the need for NMPs through the development and implementation of two different plans. These two programs are referred to as:
1. Georgia's Voluntary Nutrient Management Program, and
2. State Rule 391-3-6, Animal (Non-Swine) Feeding Operations program.
The two programs are differentiated by the fact that the voluntary program has been developed cooperatively between the Georgia Poultry Federation and the University of Georgia and is directed to all poultry producers in Georgia regardless of the size of operation or the type of manure being managed. This program is dependent on voluntary compliance and has as its basic premise the conviction that all poultry producers should be practicing best management programs for nutrient utilization on their farms. The state rule program is directed specifically to poultry producers with liquid manure handling systems and certain dry manure poultry operators and is mandated by the state. It is important for poultry producers to understand the differences of these two programs as well as the importance of compliance with these programs. The implementation of these programs in Georgia will provide for the continued protection of Georgia's waters and will provide for the continued growth and viability of the poultry industry in the state.
This Web site has been designed to provide the information needed to assist individuals in the development of nutrient management plans for poultry operators. It contains information relevant to the voluntary nutrient management program as well as the state rule program. For more information on educational opportunities, certification programs, or assistance with the development of poultry NMPs, contact your local County Extension Office, the Department of Poultry Science or the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, The University of Georgia.
The Rules and Regulations for Water Quality Control
Chapter 391-3-6-.21 - September 15, 2003
Animal (Non-Swine) Feeding Operation Permit Requirements
Section .21 begins at the bottom of the first page
AFO Permit Requirements for Poultry Operations Handling Dry Manure
Poultry Tip September 2003
NPDES Permit Manuals for CAFOs**
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued on Dec. 31, 2003, a new guidance manual to aid permit writers responsible for issuing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
Nutrient Management Workbook
These are files from the original Poultry Nutrient Management Workbook that have been revised and updated.
Guidelines and Procedures for the Implementation of Poultry Nutrient Management Plans in Georgia
Incorporating Georgia's Phosphorous Index in Poultry Nutrient Management Plans
Manure, Soil, and Monitoring-Well Testing
Maximizing Poultry Manure Utilization Through Nutrient Management Planning
Mortality Management Options for Georgia Poultry Growers
Preventing Water Contamination
Storing and Applying Litter
Nutrient Management Worksheets
This section has new worksheets, as well as, worksheets from the original Poultry Nutrient Management Workbook that have been revised and updated.
Crop Nitrogen Requirement Worksheet
Crop Phosphorus Requirement Worksheet
Estimating Annual Farm Manure Production
Field Record - Litter Application
Field Record - Liquid Manure Application
Litter/Manure Removal Record
Poultry Litter Utilization Record
Downloadable Programs for Nutrient Management
Poultry CNMP Generator for Win 98, Me, 2000, & XP
Presentation and Handouts for NMP Training
Grower NMP Training Power Point Presentation
Grower NMP Training Handouts BW
Grower NMP Training Handouts Color
Internet Resources