Casey W. Ritz
Professor and Associate Department Head Poultry Science Animal Waste Awareness in Research and Extension
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Research Interests
Broiler management, environmental and waste management, composting, air and water quality.
Ph.D, Poultry Science, VPI&SU
M.S., Animal Science, Brigham Young University
B.S., Zoology, Brigham Young University
Academic Program
Dr. Ritz is a native of Oregon. He has been an extension poultry specialist for the past 14 years, specializing in broiler management, environmental and waste management. His primary focus has been the development of educational and research programs with emphasis on poultry production management and environmental issues involving waste management, nutrient management planning, water and air quality. Ammonia and dust control have also been focus areas for the past several years, looking for ways to enhance traditional control measures and implement new technologies to aid the industry in emission reduction efforts.
Selected Publications
- Tasistro, A.S., C.W. Ritz, and D.E. Kissel, 2007. Ammonia emissions from broiler litter: response to bedding materials and acidifiers. British Poultry Science 48 (4):399-405.
- Tasistro, A.S., M.L. Cabrera, D.E. Kissel, and C.W. Ritz, 2007. Study on the reduction of NH3 volatilization from broiler litter through the promotion of nitrification. Journal of Environmental Science and Health 42 (5):549-556.
- Fairchild, B.D. and C.W. Ritz, 2006. Poultry drinking water primer. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1301.
- Bass, T.M., J.W. Gaskin, and C.W. Ritz, 2006. Maps for nutrient management planning. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1195.
- Ritz. C.W., 2006. Coexisting with neighbors. Chapter 10 of: Small farm nutrient management primer: for un-permitted animal feeding operations. T.M. Bass and L.M. Risse, editors. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1293.
- Ritz, C. W., B. W. Mitchell, B. D. Fairchild, M. Czarick and J. W. Worley, 2006. Improving in-house air quality in broiler production facilities using an electrostatic space charge system. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 15:333-340.
- Visser, M. C., B. D. Fairchild, M. Czarick, M. P. Lacy, J. Worley, S. Thompson, J. Kastner, C. W. Ritz and L. P. Naeher, 2006. Fine particle measurements inside and outside of tunnel-ventilated broiler houses. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 15:394-405.
- Fairchild, B. D., A. B. Batal, C. W. Ritz and P. F. Vendrell, 2006. Effect of drinking water iron concentration on broiler performance. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 15:511-517.
- Ritz, C.W., A.B. Webster, and M. Czarick, 2005. Evaluation of hot weather thermal environment and incidence of mortality associated with broiler live haul. J. Appl. Poultry Res.14:594-602.
- Ritz, C.W., 2005. Composting mass poultry mortalities. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1282.
- Risse, L.M., T.M. Bass, and C.W. Ritz, 2005. A review of Georgia’s animal feeding operation regulations. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1257.
- Ritz, C.W., D.L. Cunningham, and M. Giles, 2005. NPDES permits for poultry operators. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication C-885.
- Ritz, C.W. and G. Sheppard, 2005. CNMP development checklist for dry litter poultry CAFOs. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication C-886.
- Ritz, C.W., 2005. Coexisting with neighbors: a poultry farmer’s guide. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1263.
- Ritz, C.W. and J.W. Worley, 2005. Poultry mortality composting management guide. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1266.
- Ritz, C.W., B.D. Fairchild, and M.P. Lacy, 2005. Litter quality ad broiler performance. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1267.
- Ritz, C.W., P.F. Vendrell, and A.S. Tasistro, 2005. Poultry Litter Sampling. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1270.
- Ritz, C.W., B.D. Fairchild, and M.P. Lacy, 2004. Implications of ammonia production and emissions from commercial poultry facilities: A review. J. Appl. Poultry Res.13:684-692.
- Risse, L.M., T.M. Bass, and C.W. Ritz, 2004. Georgia Poultry Environmental Management Systems Guidebook. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Special Bulletin #42.
- Ritz, C.W., 2004. Mortality management options for Georgia poultry growers. Extension Bulletin, The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1244.
- Ritz, C.W. and W.C. Merka, 2004. Maximizing poultry manure utilization through nutrient management planning. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1245.
- Nayak, R., P.B. Kenney, J. Keswani, and C. Ritz, 2003. Isolation and characterization of Salmonella in a turkey production facility. British Poultry Science 44 (2):192-202.
- J.W. Worley, L. Newton, M. Risse, C. Ritz, 2003. Georgia CNMP Generator for Dairy and Poultry Operations (software program to aid in writing state permit nutrient management plans based on user inputs).
- Cunningham, D.L. and C.W. Ritz, 2003. Nutrient management programs for Georgia poultry growers. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1226.
- Cunningham, D.L., C.W. Ritz, and W. Merka, 2003. Best management practices for storing and applying poultry litter. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service publication B-1230.