Ph.D, Poultry Science, Texas A&M University
M.S., Animal Science, Prairie View A&M University
B.S., Animal Science, Prairie View A&M University
Research Interests
Environmental and waste management including air quality, molting of layer/breeder, and insect control.
Academic Program
Extension responsibilities include adult education programs in Nutrient Management Planning and Agro/Bio- security seminars. Coordinator of the Deep South Poultry Conference held at the Rural Development Center, Tifton, Georgia. Involved in the preparation and judging of 4H and FFA poultry judging contests as well as contributing to programs that assist county extension personnel.
Research programs focus on environmental and waste management issues associated with the poultry industry including air quality. Other areas of focus include the effectiveness of induced molting in broiler breeder and commercial layer flocks and darkling beetle control in broiler houses.
Selected Publications
- V. G. Stanley, M. Winsman, C. Dunkley, and T. Ogunleye, M. Daley, W. F. Kruger, A. Sefton, and A. Hinton, Jr. 2004. The impact of yeast culture residue on the suppression of dietary aflatoxin on the performance of broiler breeder hens. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 13:533-539
- Landers, K.L., R.W. Moore, C.S. Dunkley, P. Herrera, W.K. Kim, D.A. Landers, Z.R. Howard, J.L. McReynolds, J.A. Bryd, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet, and S.C. Ricke. 2007. Immunological cell and serum metabolite response of 60-week-old commercial laying hens to an alfalfa meal molt diet. Biosour. Technol. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2006.12.036
- K. D. Dunkley, C. S. Dunkley, N. L. Njongmeta, T. R. Callaway, M. E. Hume, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2007. Comparison of in vitro fermentation and molecular microbial profiles of high fiber feed substrates incubated with chicken cecal inocula. Poult. Sci. 86(5):801-10.
- K. D. Dunkley, J. L. McReynolds, C. S. Dunkley, T. R. Callaway, M. E. Hume, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2007. Molting in Salmonella Enteritidis challenged laying hens fed an alfalfa crumble diet Part I: Salmonella Enteritidis colonization and virulence gene hilA response. Poult. Sci. 86(8):1633-9.
- K. D. Dunkley, M. E. Hume, J. L. McReynolds, C. S. Dunkley, T. R. Callaway, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2007. Molting in Salmonella Enteritidis challenged laying hens fed an alfalfa crumble diet Part II: Fermentation and microbial ecology response. Poult Sci. 2007 Oct;86(10):2101-9.
- C.S. Dunkley, J. McReynolds, K.D. Dunkley, L. N. Njongmeta, L. Kubena, D. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2007. Molting in Salmonella Enteritidis challenged laying hens fed an alfalfa diet Part III: Blood plasma metabolite response. Poult Sci. 2007 Dec;86(12):2492-501.
- C.S. Dunkley, J.L. McReynolds, K.D. Dunkley, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet and S.C Ricke. 2007. Molting in Salmonella Enteritidis challenged laying hens fed an alfalfa crumble diet Part IV: Immune and stress protein response. Poult Sci. 2007 Dec;86(12):2502-8.
- K. D. Dunkley, T. R. Callaway, M. M Kundinger, C. S. Dunkley, R. C. Anderson, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2008. Growth and genetic responses of Salmonella Typhimurium in an anaerobic continuous culture during shifts in pH. Anaerobe Feb;14(1):35-42.
- C.S. Dunkley, W.K. Kim, W.D James, W.C Ellis, J.A. McReynolds, L. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet and S.C. Ricke. 2008. Passage rates in poultry digestion using stable isotope tracer markers. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry vol. 276(1) :35-39.
- C.S. Dunkley, T.H. Friend, J.L. McReynolds, W.K. Kim, K.D. Dunkley, C.L Woodward, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet, and S.C. Ricke. 2008. Behavior of laying hens on alfalfa crumble molt diets. Poult Sci. May 87(5):815-22.
- C. S. Dunkley, W. K. Kim, T. H. Friend, C. L Woodward, J. L. McReynolds , K. D. Dunkley, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2008. Behavioral response of laying hens to different alfalfa layer ration combination fed during molting. Poult Sci. 87:1005-1011.
- K.D. Dunkley, T.R. Callaway, V.I. Chalova, J.L. McReynolds, M.E. Hume, C.S. Dunkley, L.F. Kubena, D.J. Nisbet and S.C. Ricke. 2008. Foodborne Salmonella ecology in the avian gastrointestinal tract. narobedoi:10.1016/j.anarobe.2008.05.007.
- W. K. Kim, T. M. Herfel, C. S. Dunkley, P. Y. Hester, T. D. Crenshaw, and S. C. Ricke.2008. The Effects of Alfalfa-based Molt Diets on Skeletal Integrity of White Leghorns. Poult Sci 2008 87: 2178-2185.