Browse Animal Production Stories - Page 13

291 results found for Animal Production
The H5N2 strain of avian influenza doesn't hurt people, but it can hurt chickens. Backyard chicken owners can bring the disease home to their flock if they are not aware of the potential threats or signs of sick birds. CAES News
Avian Influenza
The devastating virus has yet to impact Georgia’s top agricultural industry, but University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Casey Ritz believes it’s best if Georgia farmers are proactive in dealing with avian influenza.
Kayla Alward, a Guyton Native majoring in animal and dairy science at the University of Georgia, has won the Student Employee of the Year Award from the Southern Association of Student Employment Administrators. Alward, who won the award for dedication to the calves at the UGA Teaching Dairy, is the first UGA student to win the award. CAES News
Cow-sitting Superstar
Many college students become nannies during school to help ends meet, but Kayla Alward — a rising fourth-year student at the University of Georgia — prefers to cow-sit.
Georgia Urban Ag & Outdoor Expo CAES News
Ag & Outdoor Expo
The Georgia Urban Ag and Outdoor Expo seeks to educate the public on the roles that urban and traditional farming play in supplying food to a continually growing nation. To that end, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley and UGA Extension agent Steve Pettis will be among the host of presenters at the event.
A syrphid or flower fly hovers over a swamp sunflower bloom. The tiny insect is sometimes called a hover fly because its flight pattern resembles that of a hovering hummingbird. CAES News
Pollinator Plan
Many food items, including fresh fruits and vegetables, would never make it to grocery store or farmers market shelves without the help of beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. The number of these pollinating insects in the U.S. is declining, and to help, Georgia agricultural experts developed a statewide plan to teach gardeners and landscapers how to care for their plants and protect these vulnerable insects that are vital to food production.
Celosia is one of many flowering plants that attracts beneficial pollinating insects. Other flowering plants that attract beneficial insects include aster, butterfly weed, coneflower, cosmos, rudbeckia, sunflower and zinnias. CAES News
Bees, Bugs & Blooms
A workshop focused on attracting and protecting beneficial insects will be offered Wednesday, April 20, from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in Fayetteville, Georgia, by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts.
Forrest Goodfellow, a graduate student in University of Georgia's Regenerative Bioscience Center, cuts into a chicken egg. CAES News
Stem Cell Safety
An overwhelming number of researchers still struggle within the black hole of the effectiveness and safety of stem cell therapy for neurological diseases. While the complexity of understanding how neurons grow, connect and function has long been studied, it remains a mystery, one that graduate student Forrest Goodfellow in the University of Georgia Regenerative Bioscience Center is helping unravel.
Amanda Wilbanks, owner of Southern Baked Pie Company in Gainesville, accepts her University of Georgia Flavor of Georgia grand prize trophy from Gov. Nathan Deal, UGA College of Agricultural and and Environmental Sciences Dean Sam Pardue and Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black Tuesday March 15. CAES News
2016 Flavor of Georgia Winners
Amanda Wilbanks, owner of Gainseville’s Southern Baked Pie Company, baked her way to the grand prize with her caramel pecan pie in the University of Georgia’s 2016 Flavor of Georgia Contest.
A group picture of the CAES students at the UGA Tifton Campus.

March 9, 2016 CAES News
Spring Break Tour
Spotlighting the state’s top industry, a statewide tour of Georgia’s agriculture has been the highlight of spring break for 36 students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
While bee populations have been declining for the past several decades, urban beekeeping and public awareness of pollinators are on the rise. CAES News
Pollinator Decline
With reports of declining monarch butterfly populations and honeybee deaths, the plight of pollinators and other beneficial insects has been headlining the news for months now.
Robert Beckstead, poultry science associate professor, discusses embryo development with students in his Chickenology class. Beckstead was one of three exemplary UGA instructors to receive a Richard B. Russell Award this year. CAES News
Robert Beckstead
Robert Beckstead, an associate professor of poultry science in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has received a University of Georgia Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching — one of the highest honors given at the university.