Browse Schools Stories - Page 6

58 results found for Schools
Race and Ethnicity
Never far from the surface, race relations have dominated headlines in recent months. News stories about protests in Ferguson and Baltimore, the Confederate battle flag and the shootings in Charleston, South Carolina, can cause children to ask questions that parents might not be ready to answer. However difficult or awkward these questions are, they are a starting point for important conversations about race.
Rocky Mount's Tyler Romeu (left) and Jonathan Miller (right) show the contents of their net to instructor Chris Edmonds (far left) during lake ecology class while on an environmental education field trip at Rock Eagle 4-H center in Eatonton, Tuesday, May 3, 2005. CAES News
Military Camps
Georgia 4-H has scheduled a wide variety of camps this summer that are geared specifically toward military youth.
Rocky Mount's Tyler Romeu (left) and Jonathan Miller (right) show the contents of their net to instructor Chris Edmonds (far left) during lake ecology class while on an environmental education field trip at Rock Eagle 4-H center in Eatonton, Tuesday, May 3, 2005. CAES News
4-H Camp
Many University of Georgia Extension offices across the state have begun sign-up in advance of the March 3 opening of registration for summer camp at Georgia’s 4-H centers. Each year about 8,000 campers, along with adult and teen leaders, attend 4-H camp and create memories and friendships that last a lifetime.
Technology gifts are on the top of many Christmas lists. If your child received one this holiday, University of Georgia Extension specialists say to review the apps on the device and police any new ones downloaded to the device to ensure that they are appropriate for children. CAES News
A few tips on how to get the most educational value out of your tablet
So your 4-year-old got a touchscreen tablet as a gift Now what? A UGA human development specialist says the introduction of touchscreen tablets into the marketplace represented a technological “game changer” for kids.
Sheri Dorn, Extension horticulturist and state master gardener coordinator on the UGA Griffin Campus, works at the Sunbelt Expo in Moultrie on Wednesday, Oct. 15. CAES News
Sunbelt Expo
Rain or shine, the Sunbelt Agricultural Expo in Moultrie is the place to be for farmers and others working in the field of agriculture. The 37th annual Expo was no different as thousands flocked to south Georgia this week to see new technologies, learn from university scientists and see the latest farming equipment on the market.
A small Satsuma orange is shown on a plant on a private farm in Lowndes County. CAES News
Satsuma Oranges
A popular citrus crop commonly grown by homeowners has become a highly sought after commodity for some south Georgia farmers. And one University of Georgia Extension agent believes Satsuma oranges will soon be a valuable crop.
Middle School Matters
Compare those three rules for success with what you know about most tweens entering puberty: they push back against rules, they enjoy nonconformity and they rebel against authority. It’s no wonder that the middle school years are a struggle for many tweens.
If you want to develop a farm-to-school program at your child's school, county and state UGA Extension personnel are ready and willing to work with you and your child's teachers to move your farm-to-school efforts forward. Extension personnel can connect schools with local farmers, provide curriculum and instruction on nutrition education, and assist with the implementation of school gardens. CAES News
School Gardens
Heading back to class this fall will mean heading back to the school garden at hundreds of schools across Georgia.