Woo Kim

Professor Poultry Science
Portrait of Woo Kim
Mailing Address Athens, CAES Campus Poultry Science, 120 D.W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602
Shipping Address Athens, CAES Campus Poultry Science, 120 D.W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602

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Portrait of Woo Kim

Research Interests

Feed Additives on gut health & enteric diseases (coccidiosis, necrotic enteritis, and pathogens)
Identification of antibiotics alternatives in poultry
Mineral nutrition on bone health and egg quality in poultry
Amino acids on performance, nutrient utilization, and meat/egg production in poultry


Postdoc, Poultry Science, Texas A & M University
Ph.D., Nutritional Science, Penn State University
M.S., Poultry Science, Penn State University
B.S., Animal Science, Konkuk University

Selected Publications 

G. Liu, V.S.R. Choppa, M.K. Sharma, H. Ko, J. Choi and W.K. Kim (2024) Effects of methionine supplementation levels in normal or reduced protein diets on the body composition and femur bone characteristics ofbroilers challenged with coccidia. Animals Animals 14:917.

M.K. Sharma and W.K. Kim (2024) Coccidiosis in Egg-Laying Hens and Potential Nutritional Strategies to Modulate Performance, Gut Health, and Immune Response. Animals

Y.H. Tompkins*, V.S.R. Choppa*, and W.K. Kim (2024) n-3 enriched Fish oil diet enhanced intestinal barrier integrity and reduced growth performance loss in broilers after Eimeria
infection. Poultry Science Poultry Science 103:103660.

D. Goo*, H. Ko*, M.K. Sharma*, V.S.R. Choppa*, D. Paneru*, H. Shi*, and W.K. Kim (2024) Comparison of necrotic enteritis effects on growth performance and intestinal health in
two different meat-type chicken strains ACRB and Cobb 500. Poultry Science 103:103599.

H. Shi*, J. Wang, and W.K. Kim (2024) Interactive effects of calcium, phosphorus, and exogenous phytase on growth performance and bone ash in broilers under Eimeria or
necrotic enteritis infections: a systemic review and meta-analysis. J. Appl. Poult. Res 33:100422.

D. Paneru*, M.K. Sharma*, H. Shi*, J. Wang*, and W.K. Kim (2024) Aflatoxin B1 Impairs Bone Mineralization in Broiler Chickens. Toxins 16:78;

H. Shi*, T. Lopes*, Y.H. Tompkins*, G. Liu*, J. Choi*, M.K. Sharma*, and W.K. Kim (2024) Effects of phytase supplementation on broilers fed with calcium and phosphorus-reduced
diets, challenged with Eimeria maxima and Eimeria acervulina: influence on growth performance, body composition, bone health, and intestinal integrity. Poultry Science

G. Liu, M.K.Sharma,Y.H.Tompkins, P.Teng, andW.K. Kim (2024) Different methionine to cysteine supplementation ratios altered bone quality of broilers with or without Eimeria challenge assessed
by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and microtomography. Poultry Science 103:103580.

J. Choi, W.K. Kim, B. Kong, B. Bowker, and H. Zhuang (2024) Water properties in intact wooden breast fillets during refrigerated storage. Poultry Science 103: 103464.

G. Liu*, M.K. Sharma*, Y.H. Tompkins*, P. Teng*, and W.K. Kim (2024) Impacts of varying methionine and cysteine supplementation ratios on growth performance, oxidative status, intestinal
health, and gene expression of immune response and methionine metabolism in broilers under Eimeria spp. challenge. Poultry Science 103:103300.

T. S. B. Lopes*, H. Shi*, D. White*, I.C.S. Araújo, and W. K. Kim (2024) Effects of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on performance, gut health, and bone quality of broilers fed with reduced calcium and
phosphorus diet during Eimeria challenge. Poultry Science 103:103267.

M.K. Sharma*, A.K. Singh*, D. Goo*, V.S.R. Choppa*, H. Ko*, H. Shi*, and W.K. Kim (2024) Graded levels of Eimeria infection modulated gut physiology and temporarily ceased the egg production
of laying hens at peak production. Poultry Science 103:103229.

M.K. Sharma, G. Liu, D.L. White, and W.K. Kim (2024) Graded levels of Eimeria infection linearly reduced the growth performance, altered the intestinal health, and delayed the onset of egg
production of Hy-Line W-36 laying hens when infected at the pre-lay stage. Poultry Science 103:103174.

S. Yadav*, A. K. Singh*, R. K. Selvaraj, T.J. Applegate, P. Bhattacharya†, S.B. Shinall, L.S. Fenn, R. Shanmugasundaram, W. K. Kim (2024) Research Note: Effect of dietary xylo-oligosaccharide on
growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, and specific cecal bacteria in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 103:103189.

V.S.R.Choppa and W.K. Kim (2023) review on pathophysiology, and molecular mechanisms of bacterial condronecrosis and osteomyelitis in commercial broilers. Biomolecules 13:1032. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom13071032.

M.K. Sharma, G. Liu, D.L. White, Y.H. Tompkins, and W.K. Kim (2023) Graded levels of Eimeria challenge altered the microstructural architecture and reduced the cortical bone growth of femur of Hy-Line W-36 pullets at early stage of growth (0-6 wks of age). Poultry Science 102:102888.

G. Liu*, A.M. Ajao, R. Shanmugasundaram, J. Taylor, E. Ball, T.J. Applegate, R. Selvaraj, I. Kyriazakis, O.A. Olukosi, and W.K. Kim (2023) The effects of arginine and branched-chain amino acid supplementation to reduced-protein diet on intestinal health, cecal short-chain fatty acid profiles, and immune response in broiler chickens challenged with Eimeria spp. Poultry Science 102:102773.

G. Liu, F.L.S. Castro, and W.K. Kim (2023) Applied Research Note: Exogenous protease supplementation to reduced-energy, reduced-protein, and reduced-amino acid diets for broiler chickens from days one to 42. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 32:100362.

J. Choi, D. Goo, M.K. Sharma, H. Ko, G. Liu, D. Paneru, V.S.R. Choppa, J. Lee, and W.K. Kim (2023) Effects of Different Eimeria Inoculation Doses on Growth Performance, Daily Feed Intake, Gut Health, Gut Microbiota, Foot Pad Dermatitis, and Eimeria Gene Expression in Broilers Raised in Floor Pens for 35 Days. Animals 13:2237; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13132237.

Kim, D.H., Y.H. Tompkins*, W.K. Kim, and K. Lee (2023) The effects of myostatin mutation on the tibia bone quality in female Japanese quail before and after sexual maturation. Poultry Science 102:102734.

J. Lee*, H. Cho, D. Song, S. Chang, J. Nam, B. Lee, W. K. Kim, and J. Cho (2023) Effects of combination of toxin binder with or without natural components on laying performance, egg quality, bone mineralization, relative organ weight, blood profile, ochratoxin A accumulation of liver in broiler breeder exposed to ochratoxin A. Animals 13(14), 2266; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13142266.

D. Goo*, U.D. Gadde, W.K. Kim, C.G. Gay, E.W. Porta, S.W. Jones, S. Walker, and H.S. Lillehoj (2023) Novel Hyperimmune Egg Yolk Antibodies Developed Against Protective Antigens of Clostridium Perfringens Protect Against Necrotic Enteritis. Poultry Science 102:102841.

H. Ko*, J. Wang*, J. W. Chiu, W.K. Kim (2023) Effects of metabolizable energy and emulsifier supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, body composition, and carcass yield in broilers. Poultry Science 102:102509.

R.B. Bist , X. Yang , S. Subedi, M.K. Sharma*, A.K. Singh*, C.W. Ritz, W.K. Kim and L. Chai (2023) Temporal Variations of Air Quality in Cage-Free Experimental Pullet Houses. Poultry 2:320–333.

L.P. Avila, K.M. Sweeney, C.R. Evans, D.L. White, W.K. Kim, P. Regmi, S.M. Williams, J. Nicholds, J.L. Wilson (2023) Body composition, gastrointestinal, and reproductive differences between broiler breeders fed using everyday or skip-a-day rearing programs. Poultry Science102:102853. IF=4.18.  

L.P. Avila, K.M. Sweeney, M. Rouxy, R.E. Buresh, D.L. White, W.K. Kim, and J. L. Wilson (2023) Evaluation of industry strategies to supply dietary chelated trace minerals (Zn, Mn, and Cu) and their impact on broiler breeder hen reproductive performance, egg quality, and early offspring performance. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 32:100354.

M.K. Sharma*, P. Regmi, T. Applegate, L. Chai, and W.K. Kim (2023) Osteoimmunology: A Link Between Gastrointestinal Diseases and Skeletal Health in Chickens. Animals 13:1816. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13111816.

P. Teng*, J. Choi*, S. Yadav*, F.L.S. Castro, J. Ferrel, and W.K. Kim (2023) Evaluation of a dacitic (rhyolitic) tuff breccia use on performance, inflammatory and antioxidant responses in broilers mildly challenged with Eimeria spp. Poultry Science 102:102697.  

White*, D., C. Chen*, and W.K. Kim (2023) Effect of the combination of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and higher level of calcium and phosphorus in the diets on bone 3D structural development in pullets. Frontiers in Physiology 14:1056481.

P. Teng*, G. Liu*, J. Choi*, S. Yadav*, F. Wei, and W.K. Kim (2023) Effects of levels of methionine supplementations in forms of L or DL-methionine on the performance, intestinal development, immune response, and antioxidant system in broilers challenged with Eimeria spp. Poultry Science 102:102586.  

J.T. Lee, S.J. Rochell, R. Kriseldi, W.K. Kim, and R.D. Mitchell (2023) Functional properties of amino acids: Improve health status and sustainability. Poultry Science 102:102288.

E.A. Kimminau, T.P. Karnezos, H Ko*, Y. Fasina, and W.K. Kim (2023) Phytogenic blend administered through water impacts Salmonella infection in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 32:100320.

Y. Tompkins*, G. Liu*, and W.K. Kim (2023) Exogenous Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Cellular ROS Production and Inhibits Osteogenesis in Broiler Chicken Compact Bones Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Frontiers in Physiology. Frontiers in Physiology 14:112455.

Y. Tompkins*, G. Liu*, B. Marshall*, M.L. Sharma*, and W.K. Kim (2023) Effect of hydrogen oxide-induced oxidative stress on bone formation at the early embryonic development stage of chicken. Biomolecules 13:154; https://doi.org/10.3390/biom13010154.

Y. Tompkins*, J. Choi*, P. Teng*, M. Yamada, T. Sugiyama, and W.K. Kim (2023) Reduced bone formation and increased bone resorption drive bone loss in Eimeria infected broilers. Scientific Reports 13:616. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-27585-5.

Adhikari, P., W. K. Kim, A. Rogiewicz and B. Slominski (2023) Effect of yeast-derived product on Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in different organs (liver-gall bladder, spleen, ovary, and ceca) of laying hens. J. Appl. Poult. Res.32:100277 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2022.100277.

T.S. Dos Santos, K.V.Z. Augusto, Y. Han, M. Sartori, J.S Batistioli, V.Y. Guimarães, R.K. Takahira, W.K. Kim, J.R. Sartori (2023) Effects of dietary copper and zinc hydroxychloride supplementation on bone development, skin quality and hematological parameters of broilers chickens. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpn.13829.

J. Choi, B. Kong, B.C. Bowker, H. Zhuang, and W.K. Kim (2023) Nutritional Strategies to Improve Meat Quality and Composition in the Challenging Conditions of Broiler Production: A Review. Animals 13(8):1386.

R. B. Bist, S. Subedi, L. Chai, P. Regmi, C. Ritz, W.K. Kim, and X. Yang (2023) Effects of Perching on Poultry Welfare and Production: A review. Poultry 2:134-157.

Latifi, H. Moravej*, F. Ghaziani, and W.K. Kim (2023) Determination of prediction equations for apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen of corn gluten meal and canola meal in broilers. Poultry Science 102:102587.  

J. Lee, Y. Tompkins*, D. Kim, W.K. Kim and K. Lee (2023) Increased sizes and improved qualities of tibia bones by myostatin mutation in Japanese quail. Frontiers in Physiology 13:1085935.

J. Lee, B. Lee, H. Oh, Y. Kim, D. Song, J. An, S. Chang, Y. Go, H. Cho, W.K. Kim and J. Cho (2023) Effects of exogenous protease on performance, economic evaluation, nutrient digestibility, fecal score, intestinal morphology, blood profile, carcass trait and meat quality in broilers fed normal diets and diets considered with matrix value. Poultry Science 102:102565.

J. Curry, W.K. Kim, M. Mendonca, and K. Navara (2023) Dietary fat supplements influence weight gain and egg production, but not offspring sex ratios in Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. Journal of Avian Biology e03081 https://doi.org/10.1111/jav.03081.

S. Kalia, A.D. Magnuson, T. Sun, G. Liu, W.K. Kim, Z. Johnson, X. G. Lei (2023) Supranutrition of microalgal docosahexaenoic acid and calcidiol improved growth performance, tissue lipid profiles, and tibia characteristics of broiler chickens. J of Animal Science & Biotechnology 14:27.

R. Kanani, R. Kianfar, H. Janmohammadi, W.K. Kim, M. Olyaee (2023) The Effect of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C on Performance, Egg Quality and Hatchability of Broiler Breeder Hens. Iranian Journal of Animal Science Research 10.22067/IJASR.2022.77625.1087.

J. Choi*, G. Liu*, D. Goo*, J. Wang*, B. Bowker, H. Zhuang, and W.K. Kim (2022) Effects of tannic acid supplementation on growth performance, gut health, and meat production and quality of broiler chickens raised in floor pens for 42 days. Frontiers in Physiology 13:1082009. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1082009.

J. Choi* and W.K. Kim (2022) Interactions of microbiota and mucosal immunity in the ceca of broiler chickens infected with Eimeria tenella. Vaccines 10:1941; https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10111941.

Y.A. Attia, M.A. Al-Harthi, M.E. Shafi, N.M. Abdulsalam, S.A. Nagadi, J.Wang*, and W.K. Kim (2022) Amino Acids Supplementation Affects Sustainability of Productive and Meat Quality, Survivability and Nitrogen Pollution of Broiler Chickens during the Early Life. Life 12:2100. IF=3.25.

M.K Sharma*, D.L. White*, A.K. Singh*, H.Liu, Z. Tan, X. Peng, W.K. Kim (2022) Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotic Aspergillus niger on performance and cecal microbiota in Hy-Line W-36 laying hens. Animals 12:2406.

H. Shi,* J. Wang,* P. Teng,* Y. H. Tompkins,* B. Jordan, and W.K. Kim (2022) Effects of phytase and coccidial vaccine on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, bone mineralization, and intestinal gene expression of broilers. Poultry Science 101:102124.

Y.H. Tompkins*, C. Chen, K.M. Sweeney, M. Kim, B.H. Voy, J.L. Wilson, W.K. Kim (2022) The effects of maternal fish oil supplementation rich in n-3 PUFA on offspring-broiler growth performance, body composition and bone microstructure. PLoS ONE17(8): e0273025.

A.M. Ajao, D. White, W.K. Kim, O.A. Olukosi (2022) Partial replacement of soybean meal with canola meal or corn DDGS in low-protein diets supplemented with crystalline amino acids – effect on growth performance, whole-body composition, and litter characteristics. Animals 12:2662.

J. Choi*, B. Marshall*, H. Ko*, H. Shi*, A. K. Singh*, H. Thippareddi, S. Holladay, R.M. Gogal Jr., and W.K. Kim (2022) Antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects of tannic acid supplementation in broilers infected with Salmonella Typhimurium. Poultry Science 101:10211.

M. K. Sharma*, G. Liu*, D.L. White*, Y.H. Tompkins*, and W.K. Kim (2022) Effects of mixed Eimeria challenge on performance, body composition, intestinal health, and expression of nutrient transporter genes of Hy-Line W-36 pullets (0-6 wks of age). Poultry Science 101:102083.

J. Choi*, S. Yadav*, J Wang*, B.J. Lorentz, J.M. Lourenco, T.R. Callaway, and W.K. Kim (2022) Effects of supplemental tannic acid on growth performance, gut health, microbiota, and fat accumulation and optimal dosages of tannic acid in broilers D 0 to 21. Frontiers in Physiology13:912797.

Adhikari, P., W. K. Kim, A. Rogiewicz and B. Slominski (2022) Effect of yeast-derived product on Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in different organs (liver-gall bladder, spleen, ovary, and ceca) of laying hens. J. Appl. Poult. Res. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2022.100277.

Z. Sarrami, M. Sedghi, I. Mohammadi, W.K. Kim, A.H. Mahdavi (2022) Effects of bacteriophage supplement on the growth performance, microbial population, and PGC-1α and TLR4 gene expressions of broiler chickens. Scientific Reports 12:14391. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-18663-1.

Y. H. Tompkins*, P. Teng*, R. Pazdro, and W. K. Kim (2022) Long bone mineral loss, bone microstructural changes and oxidative stress after Eimeria challenge in broilers. Frontiers in Physiology doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.945740.

P. Adhikari*, F. Lima Castro*, G. Liu*, and W.K. Kim (2022) Effects of total sulfur amino acids on growth performance, immunity, and meat yield in broilers fed diets with and without antibiotics. Frontiers in Vet. Sci. 9:9033901.

J. Choi*, Y.H. Tompkin*, P. Teng*, R. M. Gogal Jr, and W.K. Kim (2022) Effects of tannic acid supplementation on growth performance, oocyst shedding, gut health of in broilers infected with Eimeria maxima. Animals 12: 1378.

C Wu, L Li,Y X Jiang, W.K. Kim, B. Wu, G.M. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Lin, K.Y. Zhang, J.P. Song, R.N. Zhang, F.L. Wu, K.H. Liang and S. Bai (2022) The effect of cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium, and selenium Co-treatment on Ion Homeostasis in the Reproductive organs and Eggs of laying hens. Frontiers in Vet. Sci. 9:902355.

S. Yadav*, P. Y. Teng*, A. K. Singh*, J. Choi*, and W. K. Kim (2022) Influence of Brassica spp. rapeseed and canola meal, and supplementation of bioactive compound (AITC) on growth performance, intestinal-permeability, oocyst shedding, lesion score, histomorphology, and gene expression of broilers challenged with E. maxima. Poultry Science 101:101583.

D. White*, F. L. S. Castro*, M. K. Jones, J. Ferrel, and W.K. Kim (2022) The effect of a dacitic (rhyolitic) tuff breccia on growth, intestinal health, and inflammatory and antioxidant responses in broilers challenged with a chronic cyclic heat stress. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 31:100213.

S. Yadav*, P. Y. Teng*, J. Choi*, A. K. Singh*, S. Vaddu, H. Thippareddi, and W. K. Kim (2022) Influence of rapeseed, canola meal and glucosinolate metabolite (AITC) as potential antimicrobials: Effects on growth performance, and gut health in Salmonella Typhimurium challenged broiler chickens.   Poultry Science 101:101551.

P. Teng*, R. Adhikari, S. Llamas-Moya, and W.K. Kim (2022) Effects of combination of mannan-oligosaccharides and β-glucan on growth performance, intestinal morphology, and immune gene expression in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 101:101483.

S. Yadav*, P.-Y Teng*, J. Choi*, A. Singh*, and W.K. Kim (2022) Nutrient profile and effects of carinata meal as alternative feed ingredient on broiler performance, tight junction gene expression and intestinal morphology. Poultry Science 101:101411.

W.K. Kim, A. Singh, J. Wang, and T. Applegate (2022) Functional role of branched chain amino acids in poultry: a review. Poultry Science 101:101715.

P. Teng*, J. Choi*, S. Yadav*, Y Tompkins*, and W.K. Kim (2021) Effects of low-crude protein diets supplemented with arginine, glutamine, threonine, and methionine on regulating nutrient absorption, intestinal health, and growth performance of Eimeria-infected chickens. Poultry Science 100:.101427

O.T. Martinez* and W.K. Kim (2021) Effects of fiber type, particle size, and inclusion level on the growth performance, digestive organ growth, intestinal morphology, intestinal viscosity, and gene expression of broilers. Poultry Science 101397.

P. Teng*, S. Yadav*, H. Shi*, and W.K. Kim (2021) Evaluating endogenous loss and standard ileal digestibility of amino acids in response to the graded severity levels of E. maxima infection. Poultry Science 100:101426.

D. White*, R. Adhikari*, J. Wang*, C. Chen*, J.H. Lee, and W.K. Kim (2021) Effects of dietary protein, energy and β-mannanase on laying performance, egg quality, and ileal amino acid digestibility in laying hens. Poultry Science 100:101312.

J. Wang∗, F. Kong, and W.K. Kim (2021) Effect of almond hulls on the performance, egg quality, nutrient digestibility, and body composition of laying hens. Poultry Science 100:101286.

J. Liu, P. Teng*, T.J. Applegate, and W.K. Kim (2021) Review: Assay considerations for fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FITC-d): An indicator of intestinal permeability in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 100:101202.

J. Wang*, M. Zanghi, J. Xu, and W.K. Kim (2021) Evaluation of using magnetic nanoparticle attached phosphorus species as supplemental phosphorous source in broiler diet. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 30:100169.

J. Wang∗, C. Wu, F. Kong, and W.K. Kim (2021) Effect of almond hulls on the growth performance, body composition, digestive tract weight and liver antioxidant capacity of broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research Res. 30:100149.

J. Wang*, R. Patterson, and W.K. Kim (2021). Effects of phytase and multi-carbohydrase on growth performance, bone mineralization, and nutrient digestibility in broilers fed a nutritionally reduced diet. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 0:100146.

M. Sharma*, D. White*, and W.K. Kim and P. Adhikari (2021) Effect of housing environment and laying hen strain on tibia and femur bone properties of different laying phases of Hy-Line hens. Poultry Science 100:100933.

J. Wang* and W.K. Kim (2021) Evaluation of a novel corn-expressed phytase on growth performance and bone mineralization in broilers fed different levels of dietary non-phytate phosphorus. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 30:100120.

F. Castro* and W.K. Kim (2021) Applied research note: Exogenous lipase supplementation to low energy, protein, and amino acid diets for broiler chickens from one to 42 days. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 30:100117.

J. Wang*, A.K. Singh*, Kong, and W.K. Kim. (2021) Effect of almond hulls as an alternative ingredient on broiler performance, nutrient digestibility and cecal microbiota diversity. Poultry Science 100:100853.

J. Choi*, H. Ko*, Y. Tompkins*, P. Teng, J.M. Lourenco, T.R. Callaway and W.K. Kim (2021) Effects of Eimeria tennella Infection on Key Parameters for Feed Efficiency in Broiler Chickens. Animals 11, 3428. Https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11123428.

X.J. Wang*, S. Su*, C. Pender, R. Murugesan, B. Syed, and W.K. Kim (2021) Effect of a phytogenic feed additive on growth performance, nutrient digestion, and immune response in broilers fed a protein reduced diets with two different levels of crude protein. Animals 2021, 11, 775.

P. Teng*, J. Choi, Y*. Tompkins*, H. Lillehoj and W.K. Kim (2021) Impact of increasing challenge with Eimeria maxima on the growth performance and gene expression of biomarkers associated with intestinal integrity and nutrient trnasports. Veterinary Research 52:81.

P. Teng* and W.K. Kim (2021) Roles of nitrocompounds in inhibition of food-born bacteria, parasites, and methane production in economic animals. Animals 2021, 11, 923.

Y. Masayoshi*, C. Chen, T. Sugiyama, W.K. Kim (2021) Effect of age on bone structure parameters in laying hens. Animals 2021, 11, 570.

O.T. Martinez* and W.K. Kim (2021) Role of dietary fiber in poultry nutrition. Animals 2021, 11, 461. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11020461.

A. Singh* and W.K. Kim (2021) Effects of dietary fiber on nutrients utilization and gut health of poultry: challenges and opportunities. Animals: 11, 181. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11010181.

C. Chen*, D. White*, B. Marshall* and W.K. Kim (2021) Role of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in chicken embryo osteogenesis, adipogenesis, myogenesis, and vitamin D3 metabolism. Frontiers in Physiology 12: 631629. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.637629.

C. Chen*, R. Adhikari*, D. White*, and W.K. Kim (2021) Role of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on osteogenic differentiation and mineralization of chicken mesenchymal stem cells. Frontiers in Physiology 12:479596. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.479596.

Y. Tompkins*, S. Su*, S.G. Velleman, and W.K. Kim (2021) Effects of 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol on satellite cell proliferation and differentiation of broilers. Poultry Science 00:474–481.

J. Choi* and W.K. Kim (2020) Dietary application of tannins as a potential mitigation strategy for current challenges in poultry production. Animals 10, 2389; doi:10.3390/ani10122389.

F. Castro* and W.K. Kim (2020) Secondary functions of arginine and sulfur amino acids in poultry health: Review. Animals, 10:2106; doi:10.3390/ani10112106.

R. Adhikari*, C. Chen* and W.K. Kim (2020) Effect of 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol on multilineage differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from compact bones of chicken. Genes 11, 1360; doi:10.3390/genes11111360.

C. Chen*; B. Turner, T.J Applegate; Gilberto Litta, and W. K. Kim (2020) Role of long-term supplementation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on egg production and egg quality of laying hen. Poultry Science 99:6899-6906.

O. Martinez and W.K. Kim (2020) The effects of cellulose and soybean hulls as sources of dietary fiber on the growth performance, organ growth, gut histomorphology, and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 99:6828-6836.

F.L.S. Castro*, P. Teng*, S. Yadav*, R.L. Gould, S.C., R. Pazdro, and W.K. Kim. 2020. The effects of L-Arginine supplementation on growth performance and intestinal health of broiler chickens challenged with Eimeria spp. Poultry Science 99:5844-5857.

S. Yadav*, P. Teng*, T. Souza dos Santos, R.L. Gould, S.W. Craig, L Fuller, R. Pazdro, and W. K. Kim (2020) The effects of different doses of curcumin compound on growth performance, antioxidant status, and gut health of broiler chickens challenged with Eimeria species. Poultry Science 99:5936-5945. 

C. Chen and W.K. Kim (2020) The application of micro-CT in egg-laying hen bone analysis: introducing an automated bone separation algorithm. Poultry Science 99:5175-5183. 

C. Chen*; B. Turner , T.J Applegate; Gilberto Litta, and W. K. Kim (2020) Role of long-term supplementation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on laying hen bone 3-dimensional structural development. Poultry Science 99:5771-5782.

F. L. S. Castro*, Y. Kim, H. Xu, and W. K. Kim (2020) The effect of total sulfur amino acid levels on growth performance and bone metabolism in pullets under heat stress. Poultry Science 99: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2020.06.055.

F. L. S. Castro*, Y. H. Tompkins*, R. Pazdro, and W. K. Kim (2020) The effects of total sulfur amino acids on the intestinal health status in broilers challenged with Eimeria spp. Poultry Science 99:5027-5036.

Y. A. Attia, F. Bovera, J. Wang*, M. A. Al-Harthi1, W.K. Kim (2020) Multiple amino acid supplementations to low dietary protein diets: effect on performance, carcass yield, meat quality and nitrogen excretion of finishing broilers under hot climate conditions. Animals 10, 973; doi:10.3390/ani10060973.

B. S. Sheikhhasan,H. Moravej, F. Ghaziani, E. Esteve-Garcia, and W.K. Kim (2020) Prediction of the total and standardized ileal digestible amino acid contents from the chemical composition of soybean meals of different origin in broilers. Poultry Science 99:4947-4957.

H. Ma, B. Xu, W. Li, F. Wei, W.K. Kim, C. Chen, Q. Sun, C. Fu, G. Wang, and S. Li (2020) Effects of alpha-lipoic acid on the behavior, serum indicators and bone quality of broilers under stocking density stress. Poultry Science 99:4653-4661.

P. Teng*, S. Yadav, T. Souza, A.L. Fuller and W.K. Kim (2020) 2-nitro-1-propanol improved nutrient digestibility, oocysts shedding, but not growth performance of Eimeria-challenged broilers. Poultry Science 99:4314-4322.

P. Teng*, S. Yadav, F. Castro, Y. Tompkins, A.L. Fuller and W.K. Kim (2020) Graded Eimeria-challenged doses linearly regulated growth performance, dynamic change of gut permeability, apparent ileal digestibility, intestinal morphology, and tight junctions of broilers. Poultry Science 99:4203-4216.

P. Teng*, A.L. Fuller, and W.K. Kim (2020) Evaluation of nitro-compounds as feed additives in diets of Eimeria-challenged broilers in vitro and in vivo. Poultry Science 99:1320-1325 .

Tatiane Souza*, P. Teng, S. Yadav, F. Castro, R. Grould, S. Craig, C. Chen, A.L. Fuller, R. Pazdro, J.R. Sartori, and W.K. Kim (2020) Effects of inorganic Zn and Cu supplementation on gut health in broiler chickens challenged with Eimeria spp. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7:230.

B. S. Sheikhhasan, H. Moravej, F. Ghaziani, E. Esteve-Garcia, and W.K. Kim (2020) Relationship between chemical composition and standardized ileal digestible amino acid contents of corn grain in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 99:4496-4504.

S. Su*, Y. Wang, C. Chen*, M. Suh, M. Azain and W.K. Kim (2020) Fatty acid composition and regulatory gene expression in late-term embryos of ACRB and COBB broilers. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7:317. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2020.00317.

J. Wang*, H. Choi, and W.K. Kim (2020) Effects of dietary energy level and 1,3-diacylglycerol on growth performance and carcass yield in broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 29:665-672.

P. Adhikari*, S. Yadav*, D.E. Cosby, N.A. Cox, J. Jendza and W.K. Kim (2020) Effect of organic acid mixture on growth performance and Salmonella Typhimurium colonization in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 99:2645-2649.

Dorothy Moseti*, Alemu Regassa*, Chongxiao Chen*, Karmin O, W.K. Kim (2020) 25-Hydroxycholesterol Inhibits Adipogenic Differentiation of C3H10T1/2. International Journal of Molecular Science 21, 412; doi:10.3390/ijms21020412.

C. Foutz, M.C. Milfort, A.L. Fuller, W.K. Kim, R. Rekaya, and S. Aggrey (2020) Supplementation of diets with Brazil nut powder can meet dietary methionine requirement of organic broiler chickens. Organic Agri. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13165-019-00276-0.

Villegas AM, Stabler L, Moore RJ, Uzal FA, Lacey JA, Hofacre C, Lee M, Ferguson-Noel N, Barber R, Rimet C-S, Jerry C, Kim WK, Madison B, França M (2020) Focal duodenal necrosis in chickens: attempts to reproduce the disease experimentally and diagnostic considerations. J. Vet Diagn Invest 1-9 https://doi.org/10.1177/1040638720901726.

R. Adhikari*, D. White*, J. D. House and W. K. Kim (2019) Effects of additional dosage of vitamin D3, vitamin D2, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 on calcium and phosphorus utilization, egg quality and bone mineralization in laying hens. Poultry Science (In print).

Hyeon, J.Y., D.A. Mann, J. Wang, W.K. Kim, and X. Deng (2019) Rapid detection of Salmonella in poultry environmental samples using immunomagnetic separation-multiple displacement amplification real-time PCR. Poultry Science (In print).

Landrum, M.A., N.A. Cox, J.L. Wilson, M.E. Berrang, G.R. Gamble, M.A. Harrison, B.D. Fairchild, W.K. Kim, and A. Hinton, Jr. (2019) Reduction of Campylobacter on poultry thighs using sequential treatments of antimicrobials. Adv. Food & Nutr. Sci (In print).

Castro*, F.L.S. and W.K. Kim (2019) DL – Methionine can be replaced partially by phyto-additive without affecting growth performance, fat metabolism and serum biochemistry in broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research (In print). 

Kumar*, S., P. Adhikari*, B. Oakly, and W.K. Kim (2019) Changes in cecum microbial community in response to total sulfur amino acid (TSAA: DL-methionine) in antibiotic-free and supplemented poultry birds. Poultry Science (In print).

Castro*, F.L.S., H.Y. Kim, Y.G. Hong, and W.K. Kim (2019) The effect of total sulfur amino acid levels on growth performance, egg quality and bone metabolism in laying hens subjected to high environmental temperature. Poultry Science (In print) 

S. Kumar, Y. Shang, and W.K. Kim (2019) Insight into Dynamics of Gut Microbial Community of Broilers Fed with Fructooligosaccharides Supplemented Low Calcium and Phosphorus Diets. Frontiers in Veterinary Science (In print).

M. Hossein, M.G. Abadi, H. Moravej, M. Shivazad, M.A. Karimi Torshizi, and W.K. Kim (2019) Effect of different types and levels of fat addition and pellet binders on physical pellet quality of broiler feeds. Poultry Science (In print) 

J. Wang*, R. Patterson, and W.K. Kim (2019) Effects of Extra-Dosing phytase in combination with Multi-Carbohydrase on growth performance and bone mineralization using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry in broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research (In print).

C. Chen*, B.Y. Jung, and W.K. Kim (2019) Effects of lysophopholipid on growth performance, carcass yield, intestinal development and bone quality in broilers. Poultry Science (In print) 

Roshan Adhikari*, C. Chen, E. Waters, F. West, and W.K. Kim (2018) Isolation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from broiler chicken compact bones. Frontiers in Physiology (In print).

Yue Shang*, S. Kumar, B. Oakley and W.K. Kim (2018) Chicken gut microbiota: Importance and detection technology. Frontiers in Veterinary Science (In print).

Ellen Hardin*, Fernanda Castro*, and Woo Kyun Kim (2018) Keel Bone Injury in Laying Hens: The Prevalence of Injuries in Relation to Different Housing Systems, Implications, and Potential Solutions. World’s Poultry Science Journal (In print).

Fernanda Castro*, S. Su and W.K. Kim (2018) L-arginine supplementation enhances growth performance, lean muscle and bone density but not fat in broiler chicken. Poultry Science (In print).

Po-Yun Teng* and W.K. Kim (2018) Review: Roles of prebiotics in intestinal ecosystem of broilers. Frontiers in Veterinary Science (In print).

Pratima Adhikari*, C.H. Lee, D.E. Cosby, N.A. Cox, and W.K. Kim (2018) Effect of probiotics on fecal excretion, colonization in internal organs and immune gene expression in the ileum of laying hens challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis. Poultry Science (In print).

M. Hossein, M.G. Abadi, H. Moravej, M. Shivazad, M.A. Karimi Torshizi, and W.K. Kim (2018) Effects of feed form and particle size, and pellet binder on performance, digestive tract parameters, intestinal morphology, and cecal microflora populations in broilers. Poultry Science (In print).

Mariana Rodriguez Duran*, C. Chen, and W.K. Kim (2018) Effects of vitamin D and calcium for the prevention of osteoporosis at various stages of life of laying hens-Review. Int. J. Poult. Sci. (In print).

Wang Z, Yoshida Y, Kramer N, Kawabata F, Tabata S, Kim WK, Liu HX (2018) Abundant proliferating cells within early chicken taste buds indicate a potentially “built-in” progenitor system for taste bud growth during maturation in hatchlings. Histology and Histopathology (In print).

Yue Shang*, S. Kumar, H. Thippareddi, and W.K. Kim (2018) Effect of dietary fructooligosaccharide (FOS) supplementation on ileal microbiota in broiler chickens. Poultry Science (In print).

Pratima Adhikari*, D.E. Cosby, N.A. Cox, M.S. Franca, S.M. Williams, R.M. Gogal Jr., C.W. Ritz and W.K. Kim. (2018) Effect of dietary fructooligosaccharide supplementation on internal organs Salmonella colonization, immune response, ileal morphology and ileal immunohistochemistry in laying hens challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis. Poultry Science (In print).

S. Kumar, C. Chen, N. Indugu, G.O. Werlang, M. Singh, W.K. Kim and H. Thippareddi (2018) Effect of antibiotic withdrawal in feed on chicken gut microbial dynamics, immunity, growth performance and prevalence of foodborne pathogens. PLOS One (In print).

Pratima Adhikari*, D.E. Cosby, N. A. Cox and W.K. Kim (2017) Effect of dietarysupplementation of nitrocompounds on salmonella colonization and ileal immune gene expression in laying hens challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis. Poultry Science (In print).

Bortoluzzi, C., A.A. Pedroso, J.J. Mallo, M. Puyalto, W.K. Kim, and T.J. Applegate (2017) Sodium butyrate improved performance while modulating the cecal microbiota and regulating the expression of intestinal immune-related genes of broiler chickens. Poultry Science (In print).

Wang, G., W.K. Kim, M.A. Cline, and E.R. Gilbert (2017). Factors affecting adipose tissue development in chickens: A Review. Poultry Science (In print).

Y.A. Attia, M.A. Al-Harthi, A.S. El-Shafey, Y.A. Rehab and W.K. Kim (2017) Enhancing tolerance of broiler chickens to heat stress by supplementation with vitamin E, vitamin C and/or probiotics. Annals of Animal Science (In print).

Regassa*, A., M. Suh, J. Datar, C. Chen, and W. K. Kim (2017) Fatty acids have different adipogenic differentiation potentials in stromal vascular cells isolated from abdominal fat in laying hens. Lipids (Accepted).

Regassa*, A., D. Lee, S Choi, C Song, and W. K. Kim (2017) Potent anti-adipogenic effect of green tea extracts in chicken. Journal of Diabetes and Obesity (Accepted).

Pratima Adhikari*, D.E. Cosby, N. A. Cox and W.K. Kim (2017) Effect of dietary bacteriophage supplementation on internal organs, fecal excretion and ileal immune response in laying hens challenged by Salmonella Enteritidis. Poultry Science (Accepted).

Pratima Adhikari* and W.K. Kim (2017) Overview of prebiotics and probiotics: Focus on performance, gut health and immunity-A review. Annals of Animal Science (In print).

Pratima Adhikari*, D.E. Cosby, N. A. Cox and W.K. Kim (2017) Colonization of mature laying hens with Salmonella Enteritidis by oral or intracloacal inoculation. J Appl. Poult. Res. (In print).

Park*, S.O. and W.K. Kim (2017) Effects of betaine on biological functions in meat-type ducks exposed to heat stress. Poultry Science (In print).

M. Alahyari-Shahrasb, H. Moravej, R. Gaykani, and W. K. Kim (2017) Nitrogen-Corrected Apparent Metabolisable Energy Values of barley varies by treatment and species. Poultry Science (In print).

Shang*, Y. and W.K. Kim (2017) Roles of fructooligosaccharide and phytase in broiler chickens-Review. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 16:16-22.

Norris, KM, W. Okie, W.K. Kim, R Adhikari*, S King, and R Pazdro. (2016) A high-fat diet differentially regulates glutathione homeostasis in the obesity-prone mouse strains DBA/2J, C57BL/6J, and AKR/J. Nutrition Research 36:1316-1324.

Pokharel*, B.B., A. Regassa, C. M. Nyachoti and W.K. Kim. (2016) Effect of low levels of dietary available phosphorus on phosphorus utilization, bone mineralization, phosphorus transporter mRNA expression and performance in growing Pigs. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B (In print).

Regassa*, A., K.W. Park, and W.K. Kim (2016) Phenamil enhances the adipogenic differentiation of hen preadipocytes Cell Biology International 40: 1123-1128.

Alahyari-Shahrasb M, H. Moravej, and W.K. Kim (2016) Effect of soaking, fermentation with lactobacillus, and enzyme treatment on nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolisable energy values of wheat in cockerels and quails. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition doi: 10.1111/jpn.12564.

Regassa, A., E. Kiarie, J.S. Sands, M.C. Walsh, W.K. Kim, and C.M. Nyachoti (2016) Nutritional and metabolic implications of replacing corn starch with D-xylose in broiler chickens fed corn and soy bean meal based diet. Poultry Science (Accepted).

Chalova, V.I., J.H. Kim*, P.H. Patterson, S.C. Ricke, and W.K. Kim (2016) Reduction of nitrogen excretion and emission in poultry: A review for conventional poultry. World’s Poultry Science Journal (In print).

Hadley, J.A. M. Harvat-Gordon, W.K. Kim, C.A. Praul, D. Burns, R.M. Leach (2016) Bone sialoprotein keratan sufate proteoglycan (BSP-KSPG) and FGF-23 are important physiological components of medullary bone. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, Part A 194:1-7.

Moseti* D., A. Regassa, and W.K. Kim (2016) Molecular regulation of adipogenesis and potential anti-adipogenic bioactive molecules. International Journal of Molecular Science, 17, 124; doi:10.3390/ijms17010124.

Chalova, V.I., J.H. Kim*, P.H. Patterson, S.C. Ricke, and W.K. Kim (2016) Reduction of nitrogen excretion and emission in poultry: A review for organic poultry. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 51:230-235.

Mowrer, J., P. Sedlacek, J.H. Kim, C. Ritz, and W.K. Kim (2016) Supplementation of nitrocompounds in broiler diets: Effects on bird performance, ammonia volatilization and nitrogen retention in broiler manure. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 51:126-131.

Shang Y., A. Rogiewicz, R. Patterson, B.A. Slominski, and W.K. Kim (2015) The effect of phytase and fructooligosaccharide supplementation on growth performance, bone quality and phosphorus utilization in broiler chickens. Poultry Science Poultry Science 94:955-964 .

Oakley, B.B., H.S. Lillehoj, M.H. Kogut, W.K. Kim, J.J. Maurer, A. Pedroso, M.D. Lee, S.R. Collett, T.J. Johnson, and N.A. Cox. (2014) Mini-review of the chicken gastrointestinal microbiome. FEMS Microbiology Letters DOI:10.1111/1574-6968.12608.

J.H. Kim*, P.H. Patterson, and W.K. Kim (2014) The impact of dietary crude protein, synthetic amino acid, and keto acid formulation on nitrogen excretion. International Journal of Poultry Science 13:429-436.

Regassa*, A. and W.K. Kim (2014) Effects of age, vitamin D3, and fructooligosaccharide on correlation of different bone parameters in broiler chickens. International Journal of Poultry Science 13:160-167.

Salim*, H. M., P. H. Patterson, S. C. Ricke and W.K. Kim (2014) Enhancement of microbial nitrification to reduce ammonia emission from poultry manure. World’s Poultry Science Journal 70:839-856.

H.M. Salim, H.K. Kang, N. Akter, D.W. Kim, J.H. Kim, M.J. Kim, J. C. Na, H.B. Jong, H.C. Choi, O.S. Suh, and W.K. Kim (2013) Supplementation of direct-fed microbials as an alternative to antibiotic on growth performance, immune response, cecal microbial population, and ileal morphology of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 92:2084-2090.

Regassa, A. and W.K. Kim (2013) Effects of oleic acid and chicken serum on the expression of adipogenic transcription factors and adipogenic differentiation in hen preadipocytes. Cell Biology International (In print).

W.K. Kim, P.H. Patterson, J.C. Rodriguez, and S.C. Ricke (2013) The potential to reduce poultry nitrogen emissions with specific uricase egg yolk feed grade antiboides. World’s Poultry Science Journal 69:45-56.

M. Alahyari-Shahrasb, H Moravej, R Gaykani, and W. K. Kim (2012). Comparative apparent metabolisable energy values of processed barley by gamma irradiation, autoclaving, fermentation with or without Lactobacillus and enzyme treatment in cockerels and quails. J Food Proc Pres. DOI:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00806.x .

A. R. Hunde, P. H. Patterson, S. C. Rick, and W. K. Kim. (2012). Supplementation of poultry feed with Zinc, other minerals and compounds to mitigate nitrogen emissions-Review. Biological Trace Element Research 147:386-394.

WK Kim, SA Bloomfield, T Sugiyama, SC Ricke (2012) Concepts and methods for understanding bone metabolism in laying hens. World’s Poultry Science Journal 68:71-82.

WK Kim, SA Bloomfield, SC Ricke (2011) Effects of age, vitamin D3, and fructooligosaccharides on bone growth and skeletal integrity of broiler chicks. Poultry Science 90: 2425-2432.

Kim, W. K., T. M. Herfel, C. S. Dunkley, P. Y. Hester, T. D. Crenshaw, and S. C. Ricke. 2008. The effects of alfalfa-based molt diets on skeletal integrity of White Leghorns. Poult. Sci. 87:2178-2185.

Donalson, L. M., J. L. McReynolds, W. K. Kim, V. I. Chalova, C. L. Woodward, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2008. The influence of a fructooligosaccharide prebiotic combined with alfalfa molt diets on the gastrointestinal tract fermentation, Salmonella Enteritidis infection, and intestinal shedding in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 87:1253-1262.

Kim, W. K., L. J. Weeks, R. C. Anderson, D. J. Nisbet, K. Dunkley, S. C. Ricke. 2009. Effects of nitrocompounds on uric acid-utilizing microorganisms, nitrogen retention, and microbial community in laying hen manure. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. 44:403-406.

Dunkley, C. S., W. KKim, W. D. James, W. C. Ellis, J. L. McReynolds, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke, 2008. Passage rates in poultry digestion using stable isotope tracer markers. J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 276:35-39.

Kim, W. K., L. M. Donalson, S. A. Bloomfield, H. A. Hogan, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke, 2007. Molt Performance and Bone Density of Cortical, Medullary, and Cancellous Bone in Laying Hens during Feed Restriction or Alfalfa-based Feed Molt. J. Poult. Sci. 86:1821-1830.

Donalson, L. M., W. K. Kim, V. I. Chalova, P. Herrera, C. L. Woodward, J. McReynolds, L. F. Kubena, D. J. Nisbet, and S. C. Ricke. 2007. In vitro anaerobic incubation of Salmonella Typhimurium and laying hen cecal bacteria in poultry feed substrates and a fructooligosaccharide (FOS) prebiotic. Anaerobe 13:208-214.

Chalova, V. I., W. K. Kim, I. B. Zabala-Diaz, C. L. Woodward, and S. C. Ricke. 2007. Development of a whole cell sensor-green fluorescent protein based method for estimating lysine bioavailability in poultry feed proteins. Appl. Microb. and Biotech.76:91-99.

Kim, W. K., C. A. Froelich, Jr., P. H. Patterson, and S. C. Ricke. 2006. The potential to reduce poultry nitrogen emissions with dietary methionine or methionine analogues supplementation. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 62:339-364.