Oluyinka A Olukosi
Poultry Science
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Research Interests
My research focuses on three primary areas: 1) nutritive evaluation of feedstuffs to expand and improve poultry feed resources, 2) understanding the role of nutritional interventions to improve the gut health, and 3) strategies to improve nutrient utilization efficiency and thus reduce nutrient excretion to the environment.
Post-doc, Animal Sciences – Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Ph. D, Animal Sciences – Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
M. Phil., Animal Science – Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
B. Sc., Animal Science – Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria
Selected Journal Articles
Olukosi, O. A., S. J. A. van Kuijk and Y. Han. 2018. Copper and zinc sources and levels of zinc inclusion influence growth performance, tissue trace mineral content and carcass yield of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. In press – OPEN ACCESS.
Walk, C., M. R, Bedford and O. A. Olukosi. 2018. Effect of phytase on growth performance, phytate degradation and gene expression of myo-inositol transporters in the small intestine, liver and kidney of 21 day old broilers. Poultry Science. 97: 1155-1162.
Kasprzak, M. M., J. G. M. Houdijk, O. A. Olukosi, H. Appleyard, S. P. J. Kightley, P. Carre, T. Sutton, and J. Wiseman. 2018. The content and standardized ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in rapeseed co-products fed to pigs. Livestock Science. 208: 22-27.
Olukosi, O. A., W. W. Xiao and J. Jia. 2018. Peptide supplementation to nutrient-adequate diets enhanced internal egg quality during storage in hens at peak production. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 98: 185-1855. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.8661. This research is featured in the Cover Page of the issue in which it appeared. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/jsfa.8979
Olukosi, O. A., S. A. Adedokun and J. O. Agboola. 2017. Species-dependent response to the influence of adaptation length during assay for metabolisable energy of cereal grains employing the difference method. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 231: 111-118. DOI:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2017.06.010.
Kasprzak, M. M., J. G. M. Houdijk, O. A. Olukosi, H. Appleyard, S. P. J. Kightley, P. Carre, and J. Wiseman. 2017. The influence of oil extraction process of different rapeseed varieties on the ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 227:68-74.
Olukosi, O. A., M. M. Kasprzak, S. Kightley, P. Carre, J. Wiseman, and J. G. M. Houdijk. 2017. Investigations of the nutritive value of meals of double-low rapeseed and its influence on growth performance of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 96: 3338-3350.
Beeson, L. A., C. L. Walk, M. R. Bedford, and O. A. Olukosi. 2017. Hydrolysis of phytate to its lower esters can influence the growth performance and nutrient utilization of broilers with regular or super doses of phytase. Poultry Science. 96: 2243-4453. doi: 10.3382/ps/pex012. In press – OPEN ACCESS.
Rodehutscord, M., O. Adeola, R. Angel, P. Bikker, E. Delezie, W. A. Dozier III, M. U, Faruk, M. Francesh, C. Kwakemaak, A. Narcy, C. M. Nyachoti, O. A. Olukosi, A. Preynat, B. Renouf, A. Saiz del Barrio, K. Schedle, W. Siegert, S. Steenfeldt, M. M. van Krimpen, S. M. Watitiu, and M. Witzig. 2017. Results of an international phosphorus digestibility ring test with broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 96: 1679-1687.
Kasprzak, M. J.G.M. Houdijk, S. Liddle, K. Davis, O. A. Olukosi, S. Kightley, G. A. White, and J. Wiseman. 2016. Rapeseed napin and cruciferin and readily digested by poultry. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 101: 658-666. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jpn.12576/full
Gonzalez-Oritz, G., O. A. Olukosi and M. R. Bedford. 2016. Evaluation of the effect of wheats and xylanase supplementation on performance, nutrient and energy utilisation in broiler chicks. Animal Nutrition. 2: 173-179
Kasprzak, M. M., J. G. M. Houdijk, S. Kightley, O. A. Olukosi, G. A. White, P. Carre, and J. Wiseman. 2016. Effects of rapeseed variety and oil extraction method on the content and ileal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in rapeseed cake and softly processed rapeseed meal fed to broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 213: 90-98.
Olukosi, O. A., C. Combemorel, S. Kightley, J. Wiseman, and J. G. M. Houdijk. 2015. True digestibility of phosphorus determined by regression method for double zero rapeseed meal. Livestock Science. 182: 8-10.
Olukosi, O. A., L. A. Beeson, K. Englyst and L. F. Romero. 2015. Effects of exogenous proteases without or with carbohydrases on nutrient digestibility and disappearance of non-starch polysaccharides in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 94:2662-2669. dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pev260
Adebiyi, A. O and O. A. Olukosi. 2015. Determination in broilers and turkeys of true phosphorus digestibility and retention in wheat distillers dried grains with solubles without or with phytase supplementation. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 207: 112-119. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2015.05.010
Adebiyi, A. O, D. Ragland, O. Adeola and O. A. Olukosi. 2015. Apparent or standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids of diets containing different protein feedstuffs fed at two crude protein levels for growing pigs. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 28: 1327-1334. doi: dx.doi.org/10.5713/ajas.14.0914
Adebiyi, A. O and O. A. Olukosi. 2015. Apparent and standardised ileal amino acids digestibility of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles with- or without exogenous protease in broilers and turkeys. British Poultry Science. 56: 239-246.
Adebiyi, A. O. and O. A. Olukosi. 2015. Metabolizable energy content of wheat distillers’ dried grains with solubles supplemented with or without a mixture of carbohydrases and protease for broilers and turkeys. Poultry Science. 94:1270-1276. http://dx.doi.org/10.3382/ps/pev089
Olukosi, O. A. and F. Fru. 2014. The interplay of dietary nutrient level and varying Ca to phosphorus ratios on efficacy of a bacterial phytase: 1. Growth performance and tibia mineralization. Poultry Science. Poultry Science. 93: 3037-3043.
Olukosi, O. A. and F. Fru. 2014. The interplay of dietary nutrient level and varying Ca to phosphorus ratios on efficacy of a bacterial phytase: 2. Ileal and total tract nutrient utilization. Poultry Science. Poultry Science. 93: 3044-3052.
Olukosi, O. A. and N. D. Dono. 2014. Modification of digesta pH and intestinal morphology with the use of benzoic acid or phytobiotics and the effects on broiler growth performance and nutrient utilization. Journal of Animal Science. 92: 3945-3953.
Dono, N. D., N. H. Sparks and O. A. Olukosi. 2014. Association between digesta pH, body weight and nutrient utilisation in chickens of different body weights and at different ages. Journal of Poultry Science. 51: 180-184.
Olukosi, O. A. and A. O. Adebiyi. 2013. Chemical composition and prediction of amino acid content of maize- and wheat-Distillers’ Dried Grains with Soluble. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 185: 182-189.
Olukosi, O. A., C. Kong, F. Fru-Nji, K. M. Ajuwon and O, Adeola. 2013. Assessment of a bacterial 6-phytase in the diets of broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 92: 2101-2108.
Olukosi, O. A. 2012. Biochemistry of phytate and phytases: Applications in monogastric nutrition. Biokemistri. 24: 58-63.
Olukosi, O. A., O, Bolarinwa, A. J. Cowieson and O. Adeola. 2012. Marker type but not concentration influenced apparent ileal amino acid digestibility in phytase-supplemented diets for broiler chickens and pigs. Journal of Animal Science. 90: 4414-4420.
Bolarinwa, O. A., O. A. Olukosi and O. Adeola. 2012. Metabolizable energy of porcine meat and bone meal for broiler chickens. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 92: 73-78.
Olukosi, O. A., N. D. Paton, T. Van Kempen and O. Adeola. 2011. An investigation of the use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict the energy value of meat and bone meal for swine. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 91: 405-409.
Olukosi, O. A., A. J. Cowieson and O. Adeola. 2010. Broiler responses to supplementation of phytase and admixture of carbohydrases and protease in maize-soyabean meal diets with or without maize Distillers' Dried Grain with Solubles. British Poultry Science. 51: 434 — 443.
Olukosi, O. A. and O. Adeola. 2010. Metabolizable energy content of meat and bone meal in corn-soybean meal or corn, wheat and soybean meal diet for broilers. Journal of Poultry Science. 47: 244 – 249.
Olukosi, O. A. and O. Adeola. 2009. Estimation of the metabolizable energy value of meat and bone meal for swine. Journal of Animal Science, 87: 2590-2599.
Olukosi, O. A., A. J. Cowieson and O. Adeola. 2008. Influence of enzyme supplementation of maize-soyabean meal diets on carcase composition, whole-body nutrient accretion and total tract nutrient retention of broilers. British Poultry Science. 49: 436-445
Olukosi, O. A. and O. Adeola. 2008. Whole body nutrient accretion, growth performance and total tract nutrient retention responses of broilers to supplementation of xylanase and phytase individually or in combination in wheat-soybean meal based diets. The Journal of Poultry Science 45: 192-198.
Olukosi, O. A., A. J. Cowieson and O. Adeola. 2008. Energy utilization and growth performance of broilers receiving diets supplemented with enzymes containing carbohydrase or phytase activity individually or in combination. British Journal of Nutrition 99: 682-690
Olukosi, O.A., J.S. Sands, and O. Adeola. 2007. Supplementation of carbohydrases or phytase individually or in combination to diets for weanling and growing-finishing pigs. Journal of Animal Science 85: 1702-1711
Olukosi, O.A., M.R. Bedford, and O. Adeola. 2007. Xylanase in diets for growing pigs and broiler chicks. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 87: 227-235
Olukosi, O.A. and O. Adeola. 2007. The possibility for reducing water pollution resulting from concentrated animal feeding operations and the impact of phytase. http://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/ID/cafo/ID-355-W.pdf Purdue Extension Publications, Purdue University.
Olukosi, O.A., A.J. Cowieson, and O. Adeola. 2007. Age-related influence of a cocktail of xylanase, amylase and protease or phytase individually or in combination in broilers. Poultry Science 86:77-86.
Adeola, O., O.A. Olukosi, J.A. Jendza, R.N. Dilger, and M.R. Bedford. 2006. Response growing pigs to Peniophora lycii- and Escherichia coli-derived phytases or varying ratios of calcium to total phosphorus. Animal Science 82:637-644.