Harshavardhan Thippareddi

Associate Dean for Research, John Bekkers Professor in Poultry Science Office of the Associate Dean for Research Poultry Science
Portrait of Harshavardhan Thippareddi
Mailing Address Athens, CAES Campus 109 Conner Hall, 147 Cedar Street, Athens, GA 30602 7503
Shipping Address Athens, CAES Campus 109 Conner Hall, 147 Cedar Street, Athens, GA 30602 7503

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Portrait of Harshavardhan Thippareddi


Ph.D. Food Science Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
M.S. Food Science, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
B.S. Dairy Technology, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, India

Research Interests

Poultry processing, unit operations, poultry quality, microbiological safety, antimicrobial interventions, predictive microbiology, novel food processing technologies to improve quality and microbiological safety of fresh and processed poultry.

Academic Program

Research program focuses on the quality (instrumental and sensory) and microbiological safety of fresh poultry and poultry products and further processed products.

Selected Publications

Velugoti, P.R., Kumar, S., Bohra, L.K., Juneja, V.K. and Thippareddi, H., 2020. Inhibition of germination and outgrowth of Clostridium perfringens spores by buffered calcium, potassium and sodium citrates in cured and non-cured injected pork during cooling. LWT, 123, p.109074.

Rigdon, M., Thippareddi, H., McKee, R.W., Thomas, C.L. and Stelzleni, A.M. 2020. Texture of fermented summer sausage with differing pH, endpoint temperature, and high pressure processing times. Meat and Muscle Biology, 4(1).

Rigdon, M., Stelzleni, A.M., Bowker, B., Zhuang, H., Pringle, T.D. and Thippareddi, H., 2019. Influence of utilizing breast meat afflicted with woody breast myopathy on sausage textural properties. Meat and Muscle Biology, 3(2), pp.110-110.

Michael, M., Acuff, J., Lopez, K., Vega, D., Phebus, R., Thippareddi, H. and Channaiah, L.H., 2020. Comparison of survival and heat resistance of Escherichia coli O121 and Salmonella in muffins. International Journal of Food Microbiology317, p.108422.

Thomas, C.L., Thippareddi, H., Rigdon, M., Kumar, S., McKee, R.W., Sims, W.M. and Stelzleni, A.M., 2020. The efficacy of antimicrobial interventions on Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) surrogate populations inoculated on beef striploins prior to blade tenderization. LWT117, p.108689.

Kumar, S., Singh, M., Cosby, D.E., Cox, N.A. and Thippareddi, H., 2020. Efficacy of peroxy acetic acid in reducing Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. populations on chicken breast fillets. Poultry Science. 99(5): pp. 2655-2661

Magdovitz, B.F., Gummalla, S., Thippareddi, H. and Harrison, M.A., 2020. Evaluating Environmental Monitoring Protocols for Listeria spp. and Listeria monocytogenes in Frozen Food Manufacturing Facilities. Journal of Food Protection83(1), pp.172-187.

Thomas, C.L., Stelzleni, A.M., Rincon, A.G., Kumar, S., Rigdon, M., McKee, R.W. and Thippareddi, H., 2019. Validation of antimicrobial interventions for reducing Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli surrogate populations during goat slaughter and carcass chilling. Journal of Food Protection, 82(3), pp.364-370.

Channaiah, L.H., Michael, M., Acuff, J.C., Phebus, R.K., Thippareddi, H. and Milliken, G., 2019. Evaluation of thermal inactivation parameters of Salmonella in whole wheat multigrain bread. Food Microbiology, 82, pp.334-341.