Ph.D. Poultry Science, University of Georgia
B.S.A, Poultry Science, University of Georgia
Research Interests
Dr. Benson’s research is focused in the area of reproductive physiology. He is currently working on determining the proteins involved in the initial interaction between sperm and the IPVL during avian fertilization with the goal of improving reproductive fitness in poultry.
Teaching Responsibilities
POUL 4200/6200 Avian Anatomy and Physiology
POUL 2020 Introduction to Poultry Science
POUL 3000 Avian Biomedical Techniques
Selected Journal Publications
- Hoffman, J.B., A.P Benson, V.L. Christensen, B.D. Fairchild, A.J. Davis. (2007) Follicular development and expression of the messenger ribonucleic acid for the inhibin/activin subunits in two genetic lines of turkey hens that differ in total egg production. Poult Sci. 86(5):944-52.
- Benson, A.P., V.L. Christensen, B.D. Fairchild, A.J. Davis. (2009) Expression of the mRNA for Zona Pellucida Proteins B1, C and D in Two Genetic Lines of Turkey Hens that Differ in Fertility. Animal Reproduction Science 111(1-4):149-59.
- Hoffman, J.B., Benson, A.P. (2009) Peer-Teaching Through Student Development and Implementation of Case-Based Studies in Introductory Life Science Courses. EDULEARN09 Proceedings, 4673-4581.