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The Rose Garden, and all the other gardens, at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia, are adorned with lights for the holiday season. The light show, called “Jewel in a Savannah Christmas,” runs from 6 to 9 p.m. on select evenings from Friday, Nov. 24 through Christmas Eve, Dec. 24. CAES News
Savannah Light Show
Once again, the beauty of the holidays is captured in more than 1 million lights across the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens (CGBG) at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia. The light show, called “Jewel in a Savannah Christmas,” runs from 6 to 9 p.m. on select evenings from Friday, Nov. 24 through Christmas Eve, Dec. 24.
Holiday Exercise
November and December seem to be the time of year that everyone throws their exercise routines to the wind. Putting together parties, buying presents and preparing tons of good food makes it tough for anyone to set aside time for exercise.
Propane-fired turkey fryers on display in a sporting goods store in Macon, Georgia. CAES News
Fried Turkeys
Frying a holiday turkey may sound like fun, but it can be tricky. Here are a few tips from University of Georgia experts to help make sure your bird is thoroughly cooked and your holiday doesn't include a trip to the emergency room or a call to the fire department.
For a less stressful holiday, prepare and freeze holiday meals and treats in advance. Freezing prepared foods allows you the satisfaction of serving homemade meals with the convenience of store-bought ones, says University of Georgia Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist Elizabeth Andress. CAES News
Holiday Meals
Picture yourself stress-free during the holidays because you prepared and froze holiday meals and treats in advance. Freezing prepared foods allows you the satisfaction of homemade meals with the convenience of store-bought ones.
Technology gifts are on the top of many Christmas lists. If your child received one this holiday, University of Georgia Extension specialists say to review the apps on the device and police any new ones downloaded to the device to ensure that they are appropriate for children. CAES News
Screen Time
Babysitters are no strangers to learning nap time, homework time and meal time quirks. As children gain more access to technology, parents should also share their screen time expectations with babysitters.
More than 160,000 children nationwide miss school every day out of fear of being bullied, according to the National Education Association. CAES News
Teenagers spend a lot of time online. Social media activity carries clout among teens, and can empower cyberbullies, which is why parents should be prepared to help their children cope with social pressures online.
University of Georgia Extension experts say that you should wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm soap and water to effectively clean them. Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for hand-washing. Sanitizer can be used in the event that soap and water are not available, but soap and water are always the best choice for hand-washing. CAES News
Wash Your Paws
For many children, heading back to school in the fall often means heading back to the world of sniffles, sneezes and coughs. When hundreds of students come together in the same building for the start of the school year, germs and viruses will be around, but that doesn’t mean families need to resign themselves to staying sick.
After-school Snacks
Kids can start choosing their own snacks at a fairly early age, but they still need parents to help them make healthy food choices well into adolescence. When older students come home from school before their parents, choosing nutritious after-school snacks can be challenging. Parents can have more influence on their children’s choices by working with kids to plan after-school snacks.
Everything on the website, Daily Food Plan, Food Tracker, Food Planner, etc., as well as all MyPyramid materials, such as the MyPyramid for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, etc.) was developed by a team of nutritionists, dietitians, economists, and policy experts at USDA, based on expert nutrition recommendations for Americans 2 years and older from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. CAES News
On-the-go Snacks
With kids in after-school activities and adults working full-time jobs, ensuring that the family is eating, much less eating right, can be a challenge. Making well-rounded meals or snacks is easier when parents get into the habit of thinking ahead.
Bullying Essay
Olivia Forrest experienced rejection and bullying, but no one would believe her until one principal stood up and made a difference in her life.