Browse Lawn and Garden Stories - Page 71

992 results found for Lawn and Garden
Fall armyworm on a blade of grass CAES News
Fall armyworm time
Few things will strike fear into the hearts of pasture and hayfield owners than knowing fall armyworms are on the march. These pests can quickly decimate a field of bermudagrass, fescue, pearl millet or several other crops and then disappear as quickly as they appeared.
A push lawn mower CAES News
Lawn Repair
Many view fall as the time to pack up the lawn mower and give the lawn a rest. Fall is actually the best time to evaluate cool-season grasses, like tall fescue, that have just experienced high, summer temperatures.
A "Going Bananas" daylily in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Late summer and early fall are ideal times to lift, divide and replant daylilies. By preparing now, you will be rewarded with a spectacular show of color next year.
Rows of cover crops being grown for research at UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences organic research and demonstration farm in Watkinsville. CAES News
Fall Cover Crops
Cover crops may be your secret weapon to a better harvest next spring. Any gardener who was disappointed in their corn, tomato or squash harvests this summer might want to start planning for next summer’s crop now by thinking about planting cover crops.
Leyland cypress trees grow as a property border in a lawn in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Hedges are a common feature in many Georgia landscapes. They are used to define property lines, provide privacy or block the view of an unpleasing object.
Central Georgia landscapes
Are you a new homeowner, or are you just looking for more confidence when you tackle projects around your home’s landscape? If you answered yes, chances are you’ve got some questions. Houston County Master Gardeners have designed a program that will provide you with answers.
Map showing precipitation totals across Georgia in July 2012. CAES News
July climate summary
Drought conditions in most parts of the state stabilized in July, although there was an increase in exceptional drought in west-central Georgia due to the heat and lack of rainfall.
Get kids involved in community service by learning what they are interested in. Making the world a cleaner place is a place to start. CAES News
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle?
Teaming up to reduce the amount of trash your family throws away each week can give parents and children the experience of working towards a common goal and create some fun family traditions. By working together, families can make their homes greener and limit the amount of waste their family produces
A bed bug fills with blood as it feeds on a human arm. CAES News
Bed bugs from school
Just when parents thought head lice were the only insects to invade classrooms, bed bugs have been added to the list. Hotels are typically the place that comes to mind when bedbugs are mentioned, but the critters like book bags, too.
Turfgrass Update
Camden and Glynn county Extension agents will host a green industry update and workshop for professional landscapers from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. August 28.