Browse Alumni Stories - Page 3

29 results found for Alumni
Assistant Professor Andrew Benson received the 2021 Novus International Teaching Award from the Poultry Science Association. CAES News
Poultry Science Awards
Four faculty and staff members in the Department of Poultry Science at the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) have received prestigious awards from national professional organizations.
Frank McGill was born on a family farm in Tift County, Georgia, on Dec. 16, 1925, in the area where he spent most of his working career and retirement. In his autobiography, he joked, "It's obvious I didn't get very far in life!" CAES News
Frank McGill dies
J. Frank McGill, affectionally known throughout the Georgia agricultural community as “Mr. Peanut,” passed away surrounded by family on March 3 at age 95 in Tifton, Georgia.
Al Pearson, a member of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Board, and his wife, Mary Pearson, established the Dr. Maurice E. “Butch” Ferree Scholarship to support students majoring in horticulture in honor of Ferree, who retired in 1998 after 24 years with UGA Extension. CAES News
Dr. Maurice E. "Butch" Ferree Scholarship
As a peach and pecan producer in central Georgia, Al Pearson relied on the expert advice provided by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. In addition to the valuable counsel provided by Extension peach expert Maurice E. “Butch” Ferree, Pearson gained something unexpected: a lifelong friend.
Biosecurity expert and plant pathology alumna Ada Bacetty poses with UGA adjunct professor Charles Bacon after her 2008 graduation. (contributed) CAES News
Shattered Ceilings
Speaking at the University of Georgia for the first time since graduating in 2008, U.S. Department of Defense's Ada Bacetty presented the “Shattered Ceilings” seminar to the campus community — an engaging conversation about breaking through barriers in pursuit of diversity and inclusion.
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences researchers tested biodegradable pots made from (left to right) wood pulp fiber, cow manure and coconut coir. CAES News
Sustainable Gardening
Professional and home gardeners alike can grow landscapes sustainably with the help of biodegradable plant containers, but gardeners may wonder whether these containers decompose quickly enough to avoid hindering plant growth.
UGA alumnus and current fourth-year medical student Jake Goodman has been sharing stories about his path to medical school on social media after realizing that the challenges he's faced resonate with many students. He now has over 210,000 followers on TikTok. (contributed photo) CAES News
Pre-health pathways
There’s one college at the University of Georgia from which you might not expect to hear students applying to medical school — the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Caroline Lewallen, a 2011 agricultural education graduate, is co-owner of a pasture-raised beef cattle farm in Clarkesville, Georgia. (contributed) CAES News
2020 Alumni President
Caroline Lewallen, a 2011 agricultural education graduate, has been elected to serve as president of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Alumni Association for the 2020-21 term beginning July 1.
CAES Dean Sam Pardue, left, presented Frank McGill with the Medallion of Honor during special event on Thursday, May 2, on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Medallion of Honor
Frank McGill, 92, affectionally known throughout the Georgia agricultural community as “Mr. Peanut,” received the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ Medallion of Honor during a private event on Thursday, May 2, on the UGA Tifton campus.
Ron Holt, a 1997 graduate of CAES, was presented the Michael J. Bryan Award, given to a returning Bulldog 100 honoree who demonstrates entrepreneurial spirit and whose business has sustained growth. CAES News
Bulldog 100
Thirteen University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) graduates were recognized as part of this year’s Bulldog 100 list of the fastest-growing businesses owned or operated by UGA alumni.