Browse Food Safety Stories - Page 10

92 results found for Food Safety
Asian agricultural scientists visited the University of Georgia this week to share with and learn from researchers in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. UGA animal and dairy scientist John Bernard is shown giving the group a tour of the dairy farm on the UGA CAES campus in Tifton. CAES News
Mini Summit
A group of scientists from China, Taiwan and Japan traveled to south Georgia this week to share their work with University of Georgia researchers during the Seventh Annual Mini Summit on Food, Policy and the Environment. Cultural differences and thousands of miles separate the group, but they are unified in their primary concern — the safety of the world’s food supply.
Canning green beans. Beans in Jars waiting to be placed in a pressure canner. May 2008. CAES News
Preserving Produce
Canning and preserving homegrown produce will be the focus of the next Saturday at the Rock workshop set for June 8 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton.