Browse Cotton Stories - Page 18

197 results found for Cotton
Glen Rains, co-director of AgrAbility, points to a fence-line feeder he and his team helped developed for a disabled farmer. CAES News
AgrAbility program
Richard Stanley’s work revolves around his livestock.
Stink bugs can have a costly and harmful impact on cotton farmers. CAES News
Pests need to be managed
One of the toughest crop pests to stop in Georgia is also the most economically devastating — the stinkbug.
Watemelon and cotton plants grow together in a south Georgia field. CAES News
Melons + cotton
Cantaloupes and cotton might seem like an odd couple but they’re actually proving to be a perfect pair. Planting the two together is proving to reduce planting time and costs while generating the same, if not more, profit for some Georgia farmers.
Calvin Perry, superintendent at the University of Georgia Stripling Irrigation Research Park, gives a presentation on variable-rate irrigation at the Climate Adaptation Exchange event held Feb. 8 in Tifton, Ga. CAES News
Building Resilience
Adapting to unpredictable weather is part of Lamar Black’s job as a farmer in Jenkins County, Ga. Black grows cotton, corn and peanuts on more than 400 acres, so each year he plans for and adjusts to extreme temperatures and rain, or lack thereof.
While parts of Georgia received almost 8 inches of rain this month other areas saw barely an inch of precipitation CAES News
October weather
Temperatures in Georgia were within one degree of normal across the state in October. Rainfall continued to be light across most of the state, continuing a trend from a dry September. A narrow band stretching from Columbus to the northeast mountains was the only area of the state that received higher than normal rainfall.
The 2013 Ag to Port Ag Forecast will focus on Georgia's agricultural exports. CAES News
Farm to port
As emerging international markets for Georgia agricultural products continue to grow, Georgia farmers need to be aware of the impacts the global marketplace can have on their bottom line. This year, in recognition of the growing importance of the global marketplace to Georgia farmers, Georgia Department of Economic Development Director of International Trade Kathe Falls will deliver the keynote talks at the 2013 Ag Forecast series. The Farm-to-Port Ag Forecast will be held in locations across the state Jan. 25 to Feb. 1.
Cotton is harvested in Colquitt County, Georgia. Cotton prices for the 2010 crop are around $1.20 per pound, the highest ever. The historic cotton prices aren't expected to last for next year's crop, but they are expected to be good for most Georgia-grown row crops. CAES News
Cotton Harvest
Georgia farmers will wrap up their cotton harvest over the next few weeks, and it looks like it’s going to break records.
Dr. Wernher von Braun stands in front of a Saturn IB launch vehicle at Kennedy Space Flight Center. He led a team of German rocket scientists, called the Rocket Team, to the U.S., first to Fort Bliss/White Sands, later to the Army Ballistic Missile Agency at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. CAES News
To the moon and back
I admit it. I grew up as a science nerd. My hometown was a big contradiction – a once sleepy Alabama town that suddenly found itself home to a major NASA installation. My hometown built the rocket that went to the moon.
UGA Forage Extension Specialist Dennis Hancock talks about interplanting alfalfa in a bermudagrass pasture at the 2012 Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day. CAES News
Field Day showcases the very latest in seeds, technology and UGA brainpower
On July 12, trams full of farmers, business administrators and reporters toured trial plots at the Sunbelt Ag Expo Field Day, where University of Georgia agricultural experts discussed the latest scientific research for South Georgia.
A young visitor to the UGA Pavilion at the 2011 Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie, Ga., Oct. 19 learns about giant cockroaches. CAES News
Expo weathers on
Despite an uncomfortable mix of wet, cold and windy weather, North America’s premier farm show, the Sunbelt Ag Expo, marched on this week in Moultrie, Ga. More than 70,000 visitors perused the wears of 1,200 vendors, a North Carolina farmer was tapped as the Southeast’s top and land-grant universities brought their messages to the masses.