Browse Agriculture Policy Stories - Page 11

144 results found for Agriculture Policy
Locations of existing food hubs and projects or working groups that are trying to develop food hubs in Georgia as of October 2012. CAES News
Georgia's food hubs
A survey of local food hubs in Georgia found that the state already has some working models for providing local produce for growing local markets.
Agricultural leadership
Organizers of the agricultural leadership program Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture have chosen 22 professionals from across the state to participate in the program’s inaugural class.
Fighting obesity.
Data released this week shows Georgia’s obesity rate is improving, but 28 percent of the state's citizens still weigh in as obese. Growing health problems and rising healthcare costs are straining both the physical and economic wellbeing of America.
Former dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Gale Buchanan CAES News
Ag Hall of Fame
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will honor Gale Buchanan, a former dean of the college, and longtime, influential pecan and watermelon producer Buddy Leger, as inductees into Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame on September 14 at an induction ceremony at 6 p.m. in Athens, Ga.
Bosede O. Oboh, CEO of ACASC Farms and president of Fate Foundation Alumni Association, learns about pecans at Rutland Farms. Oboh, who is from Nigeria, traveled with other African representatives to the UGA campus in Tifton as part of a State Department program to learn about agriculture in the United States. CAES News
UGA, agriculture and Africa
Farmers, entrepreneurs and policymakers — representing 13 different African nations from Mauritania to South Africa — visited the University of Georgia campus in Tifton to learn about farming practices, research and government programs supporting agriculture in Georgia.
Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture CAES News
Advancing Georgia's Leaders in Agriculture
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is now accepting applications for the inaugural class of the Advancing Georgia’s Leaders in Agriculture program.
Erico Rolim de Mattos in his lab at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Growing more on less land
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental doctoral student Erico Rolim de Mattos envisions a world where exploding human populations, global climate change and land overdevelopment has rendered mankind incapable of producing enough food to sustain humanity. This scenario is a very real possibility, and it has captured the minds of specialists from organizations like NASA and the United Nations.
Eddy-Jean Etienne working in the Agricultural & Environmental Services Lab in Athens. CAES News
High-tech help for Haiti's farmers
Haitian farmers have toiled for more than a century to grow crops in the nation’s notoriously ravaged farmlands. A new soil-testing lab, scheduled to open in June, should help farmers in Haiti improve their yields.
Chris and Marilynn Hopkins, of Lyons, stand with Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black and Governor Nathan Deal after receiving the 2012 Governor's Environmental Stewardship Award. CAES News
Hopkins honored at Ag Day
Seven years ago Chris Hopkins and his wife Marilynn started their row crop operation on 50 acres of rented land in Toombs County. Since that time, the Hopkins’ farm has grown to encompass 600 acres of cotton, peanuts, corn timber, watermelons and pecans.
Agribusiness lawyer Nowell Berreth speaks at the Georgia Ag Forecast in Macon, Ga., on Jan. 23, 2012. CAES News
Georgia Ag Forecast 2012
Georgians can expect to pay more at the supermarket in 2012. This is good news for peanut and pecan farmers who can expect record prices for their crops.