Browse Profiles and Awards Stories - Page 12

169 results found for Profiles and Awards
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will premiere a convocation ceremony video on Thursday, May 7, at 6 p.m. CAES News
Convocation Online
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will premiere a convocation ceremony video on Thursday, May 7, at 6 p.m. to celebrate new graduates.
UGA plant pathologist Albert Culbreath has been named a 2020 Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society. CAES News
Culbreath, Scherm Honored
Two prominent faculty members of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Albert Culbreath and Harald Scherm, have been named 2020 Fellows of the American Phytopathological Society.
Gopinath “Gopi” Munisamy, a UGA professor of agricultural and applied economics, was recently named Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Marketing in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
New Endowed Professor
Gopinath “Gopi” Munisamy, a University of Georgia professor of agricultural and applied economics, was recently named the Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Marketing in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Spanning more than 35 years in academia and government, his work includes topics in agricultural policy, trade and economic development.
UGA Professor Samuel Aggrey has earned the Richard B. Russell Professorship in Agriculture. CAES News
Endowed Professor
University of Georgia Professor Samuel Aggrey has earned the Richard B. Russell Professorship in Agriculture.
The title of Distinguished Research Professor is awarded to faculty who are internationally recognized for their original contributions to knowledge and whose work promises to foster continued creativity in their discipline. Katrien Devos and Ignacy Misztal are two of the 2020 recipients. CAES News
Two faculty members in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Katrien Devos and Ignazy Misztal, were recently named Distinguished Research Professors during the University of Georgia's Honors Week celebration. 
Nick Robertson, this year’s University of Georgia Food, Agribusiness and Entrepreneurial Initiative (FABricate) winner, started Rare Combinations to develop an efficient, affordable alcohol percentage detector for beverage producers. The senior biochemical engineering major will receive a $10,000 investment toward his business from the contest. CAES News
FABricate Winner 2020
Many businesses are formed to solve problems for others, but one engineering student’s prize-winning idea spurred from a challenge he faced in his own kombucha business.
UGA Professor Nick Fuhrman's research interests are in non-formal teaching methods, program evaluation and the use of live animals as teaching tools for educators. CAES News
Fuhrman Meigs Professor
Nick Fuhrman, professor of agricultural leadership, education and communication in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has been named a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professors, the University of Georgia’s highest recognition for excellence in instruction.
Three graduate students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) were recently honored with an E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Research — Lorena Lacerda, Dima White and Raegan Wiggins. CAES News
Browne Awards 2020
Three graduate students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) were recently honored with an E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Research.
Armond Morris, chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission, is shown (left) presenting the Distinguished Service Award to Joe West, assistant dean of the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
West Honored
Joe West, assistant dean of the University of Georgia Tifton campus, was honored with the Distinguished Service Award at the Georgia Peanut Farm Show, held Jan. 16 at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.
UGA plant pathologist Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza was recently awarded the D.W. Brooks Award for Excellence in Extension. He is shown (second from right) being congratulated by (left to right) Harald Scherm, head of the UGA Department of Plant Pathology, Laura Perry Johnson, UGA Extension associate dean, and Sam Pardue, dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Martinez-Espinoza Honored
University of Georgia Griffin campus plant pathologist Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza has been awarded the 2019 D.W Brooks Award for Excellence in Extension. The award recognizes his UGA Cooperative Extension and applied research program that focuses on the management of new and recurring diseases of turfgrass, small grains and nonlegume forages and his delivery of relevant information to stakeholders and fellow Extension professionals.