Browse Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Production Stories - Page 16

638 results found for Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Production
Ruqayah Bhuiyan, a junior studying horticulture at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, spent spring 2018 interning at NASA, where she worked on methods to produce fresh produce for astronauts. CAES News
NASA Internship
It all started with a movie many people haven’t seen. About 10 years ago, Ruqayah Bhuiyan sat down to watch “Sunshine,” a movie about astronauts flying to the sun. Amid all of the high drama, fission bombs and personal conflict aboard the ship, there was a garden.
Chris Tyson is the new area onion agent at the Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center in southeast Georgia. Tyson previously worked as a UGA Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in Tattnall County. CAES News
New Onion Agent
Chris Tyson, a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent for more than 10 years, has been named the new area onion agent at the Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center in southeast Georgia.
UGA-bred blueberries feed the Georgia market during the blueberry growing season here and when they are licensed to be grown in other countries they provide berries to Georgians and others in November, December and January. CAES News
Worldwide Berries
A tried and true Georgia “boy,” University of Georgia blueberry breeder Scott NeSmith takes pride in creating new blueberry varieties for farmers in Georgia and across the Southeast. Now he can boast that blueberry varieties he’s bred through the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have gone global.
Assistant Dean Joe West serves as administrative adviser for a multi-state research project called "Genetic Improvement of Adaptation and Reproduction to Enhance Sustainability of Cow-Calf Production in the Southern United States." CAES News
Multistate Research
In agricultural research, scientists across disciplines often find themselves working to address the same issues as colleagues at other institutions. To help advance and streamline this important work, funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows land-grant university scientists to work collectively to answer questions with a broad scope.
Blueberries growing on the Alapaha farm in Alapaha, Georgia in this file photo. CAES News
IPM Grant
The University of Georgia has been awarded a $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to develop organic methods of controlling the Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD). 
UGA Extension weed scientist Stanley Culpepper speaks about weed research during a field day. CAES News
Using Pesticides Wisely
A state program aimed at teaching farmers and other pesticide applicators how to properly apply pesticides continues to limit pesticide drift in Georgia. The educational training system, called “Using Pesticides Wisely,” was created by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Department of Agriculture. UGA Extension weed scientist Stanley Culpepper, who developed the training, credits Georgia farmers’ excellent teamwork and decision-making for the low number of pesticide drift complaints in Georgia in 2017.
Fall is apple time in north Georgia. It's the one time of year Georgians find locally grown versions of this fruit. CAES News
For Georgians, fall-season family time often includes trips to the mountains to see the changing leaves and buy Georgia-grown apples. If you are ever overwhelmed by the variety of apples available for sale, here are some tips from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension to help you make wise choices this apple season and select varieties that can be preserved successfully.
A year after the devastation of Hurricane Michael, Georgia's pecan farmers are preparing for this year's crop. Pictured are pecans on the ground following Hurricane Michael in Decatur County, Georgia. CAES News
Pecan Yields
Georgia’s pecan growers will have a limited supply this year due to weather conditions that affected the quality of the pecans and Hurricane Michael’s impact, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells.
August 8, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will host a tour of four northeast Georgia vineyards, focusing on the cultivation practices and grape varieties that have made Georgia's burgeoning wine industry possible. CAES News
Grape Growers
With the growth and increased marketability of the state’s wine industry, Athens, Georgia, is hosting new conferences that will focus on how to create quality fruit and turn it into a palatable beverage. The Southeastern Regional New Grape Growers Conference will be held at the University of Georgia’s South Milledge Greenhouse Complex in Athens on Dec. 11.
Andre da Silva is the new Extension vegetable specialist on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Extension Vegetable Specialist
New University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist Andre da Silva will improve vegetable production in Georgia through irrigation — and fertilizer-based research on the UGA Tifton campus.